mma Morgan the owner
had warned me that the
60 dollars menu didn’t
include drinks, before adding :
« «don’t be late, as we’re filming
the event ». Yet I managed to arri-
ve late, but with many drinks in
advance. All the contrary than ex-
pected. I remember the bites and
the starter to be delicious. Not sure
after that...
The second time we met, was
the night of the fight of the century
between Conor Mc Gregor and
Floyd Mayweather. Just like me a
couple of nights earlier, Mc Gre-
gor was declared technically knoc-
ked out before the end of the fight.
Like every proud boxer, I asked
Charles for a rematch and we fi-
nally met over coffee to discuss his
new docu-style serie. The Ring-
Master, which has nothing to do
with boxing, is described as a cu-
linary journey. « In the circus the
ringmaster is known as the leader
and they usually say “three ring
circus” the three rings here are
C harles W ebb
and his R ingmaster
The first time I met Charles Webb, I was drunk like an Irish
firefighter on St Patrick’s day. Some Tequila shots offered by
my friend and neighboor Edgar, saw the end of me, before
the end of the five course meal the Chicago born, was giving
as a visiting chef at Mahalo.
food, community, culture, wrapped
up into travel » the chef explains.
He was here in Casco with di-
rector Ryan Hutton to shoot the first
In addition to the dinner in Ma-
halo, Charles also hosted dinner at
Las Clementinas, and Tomillo.
He was supposed to fly back that
day but the hurricane Harvey, and
an unexcpected 200 guest dinner at
the Trump Tower decided otherwise.
He had only two days to prepare for
it, but that wasn’t the toughest part
of the challenge.
Like Mayweather, Charles tra-
vels with an entourage of assistants
and his sous chef Cai Linderman..
« I sent to my team, all my knifes,
and my products back home, but the
organizers, of an event called Res-
taurant Week, said they could give
me everything. I want to use white
truffle, so I’m trying to see if my
provider in Italy has a distibutor
here in Panama. »
Rescuing a Priceless Heritage
Since 1995
Real Estate
in Casco Viejo
Years of
Finding the right products can
get a little tricky. « You need to be
connected. For the meat for exam-
ple, the chef of Nueve Reinas Mar-
tin Rivas introduced us to his guy.
For fish, we went to the Mercado
and bought a 33 pounds Tuna. I
also try to use local ingredients.
We made a pulled pork rubbed in
coffee (Elida Estate Coffee) and
reduced with Ron Abuelo. I am
also interested in the indigenous
products. José Olmedo, the chef
from Donde José is very good with
finding and using those. I would
also like to thanks to Galo Pinto
and Felipe Milanes, who helped
us a lot with many resources.
The first episodes of Ringmas-
ter are available on youtube, and
the next trips will take Charles
and his team to Colombia, Brazil
and Argentina, before the rest of
the world, for a culinary journey
that never ends.
+(507) 228-3808