PERFECT HOMES MAGAZINE - ISSUE 15 issue 15 | Page 79

“The whole idea of having a big international school like this has an attraction on various different levels and in this respect, everybody wins; the client is extremely happy that they can now build this state of the art school for up to 800 students and the Town Hall are delighted that they will have a prestigious new school in their municipality.” Give me a brief insight into your interiors and landscaping.“As an architect I always visualize a house in what I consider it’s idyllic setting, fully decorated and furnished. I always imagine it 100% complete. home entertainment and the latest in heating and AC technology. They all know each other, are used to working together but principally understand the standard I work to. Many architects prefer to leave the interior and landscaping to someone else and just concentrate on the building.I have always felt that is not complete until all those parts are done.If the client is amenable I design the interiors and exteriors as well. As a team, they are all capable of meeting that and we have few problems. Subsequently, whatever the client desires I have someone to supply it.” The landscaping for example is something I really enjoy doing; I am a gardener myself. We have a stunning garden at home.In a way it is almost like a practice area for projects.” What future projects have you got in the pipeline? As this writer can bear witness having spent many evenings there enjoying Tony and his wife Jo’s hospitality, it resembles one that could give The Chelsea Flower Show a run for its money.Breathtaking is an understatement. “With interiors, I keep in touch with what is going on with the latest in home decoration.I go around to shops and stores; see what they are selling, and reading interior and decoration magazines. I have to keep myself up-to-date in order to be able to give the client a good service. I have a whole range of skilled people that I call in as I need them, from upholsterers and curtain makers to carpenters, painters and decorators. Over the last thirty years I have put together a great team of professionals from construction, landscaping and interiors to electronics, “First and foremost there is the school.However another very interesting project is for a client and friend who loves the art déco period. He has a lot of furniture and other art deco pieces.He asked me to design an art deco inspired modern house rather than an exact reproduction. It is rather like working back to front in that the interior decoration and design is largely decided in advance which is then integrated into the design of the house.This house will also be a challenge, as it is on a particularly difficult site which has a steep slope. However the design has turned out really well and the client loves it.We are planning to start construction this summer.” Tony Murphy over the last three decades has irrefutably made an indelible mark on the Costa del Sol as an outstanding architect and designer. The demand for his services continues to soar. Let’s hope, with the best will in the world, he does not win the lottery, any time soon! PERFECT HOMES INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE 79