PERFECT HOMES MAGAZINE - ISSUE 15 issue 15 | Page 77

As I know from being a journalist and public relations consultant here on the coast, many people who open up new businesses on the coast simply do not grasp the importance of the licensing system. Tony ensures it is one of his top priorities for both commercial and residential clients. He goes onto explain, “Quality of service is really a big part of the way I work.With the boom years we had 5,6 and 7 years ago, many people would take on everything that came their way and got to a point where they simply could not provide the same degree of attention to every project. They simply had too much on. I will never take on more than a certain number of projects at any one time so that I can give them the attention they require.I do all the design work and supervision myself. I really enjoy my work and have always believed that people who enjoy what they are doing produce better work. If I won the lottery tomorrow I would still want to build at least one house a year to keep my mind active and challenge myself.” Which of your projects has been the most challenging? “I am working on a house right now which is under construction. It has been quite a challenge.First it is a very modern house. With mod- ern houses they lack the sort of details like mouldings and decorative elements that you see in more traditional Spanish houses. Any mistake becomes glaringly obvious, so you really need to pay attention to the minutest of details with these types of buildings. With this project the client is somebody whose own work requires a massive level of quality and precision.I wanted to somehow reflect that in the design of his house. This house is clad on three sides in marble.Every piece of marble is exactly the same size, nothing has been cut.Also the house has a 24 meter long, 6 meter high glass wall with the most amazing panoramic view. It has certainly been hard work but I am enjoying every minute of it and its appearance now is precisely how I anticipated. What has been your most rewarding project? “I have had many but currently it is a new international school. This is for an existing client whose house I designed. They have been running schools for many years. We were having a drink over Christmas a couple of years ago and they mentioned that in their current school which has two hundred students, the demand was so high for additional places, that they could quadruple the number if they had the space. PERFECT HOMES INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE 77