Perdana Magazine 2014-2015 | Page 24

Pe r da n a d i sco u r s e s e r i e s 19 Excerpted from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s Keynote Address “Islam is a great religion. It is the religion that converted the Jahiliah, the ignorant Arabs into the founders of the greatest civilisation of the history of mankind. A civilisation that spread from China to Spain, and the West. It was a great civilisation, far superior to the civilisation of Europe at that time. Indeed, Europe was living in the Dark Ages when Islam was already very far advanced as mentioned by Tan Sri (Azman Hashim) just now. All the great scientists and the great mathematicians were from the Muslim world. I am afraid that when we talk about the past, the greatness of Islam, we are actually admitting the lack of greatness today. It was glorious before therefore it is not glorious now. And why is it not glorious now? I believe that in the past, people follow more closely the teachings of the Quran without having interpreters. Interpretations sometimes conflict with each other and have resulted in Muslims being divided into different sects. We now have the Sunni, Syiah, the Wahabbi, “Islamic scholars and gurus are human and can make mistakes” verse that is direct and clear, anyone can understand it. But you have to read it in a language that you can understand. I completed reading (khatam) the Quran in Arabic when I was about 13 years old. But I knew nothing about it. What I knew was what my guru told me and my guru is human. Some of the things he told me were right but there were many others which were not right, now that I know about Islam. But that is the Islam that we practised. Not the Islam of the Quran, but the Islam of our teachers. And our teachers are human. Even if they are great scholars, they are still human and they can make mistakes. The interpretation of one (scholar) is different from the other. There are many teachers and scholars, and their interpretations on Islam differ so much that some regard others as not Muslim and hence, can be killed. That’s the result of following interpretations and not going back to the Quran.” the Alawis and the like…Because of following interpreters rather than referring to the Quran, we have broken into many different sects and we are fighting each other, despite the fact that Islam does not advocate factional fighting. Indeed, Islam forbids killing and Islam declares that all Muslims are brothers and sisters. Now, we are fond of telling people that Islam is a way of life, Ad-Deen, because Islam governs everything that you do while you are alive. A way of life, not a way of death. If you read the Quran in a language that you understand, you will find guidance there for everything that you do. In the Quran there are two different verses. One is very clear and specific; the other is in the form of allegory which you may interpret differently according to what you understand from the story. For the To listen to an audio excerpt of Tun’s speech, as well as his other speeches, head over to Perdana Podcast at . ple. The governing principle of Islam is Rahman (compassion). The Surahs of the Quran begin with this phrase, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim; Allah SWT call himself Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim. He has 99 names but he chooses to call himself Ar-Rahman. Compassion is not an empty word but I think that when we see the ugly reality in front of us, what is happening is the opposite of compassion. The atrocities that are taking place defies the very essence of Islam.” PANELLISTS’ VIEWS Professor Mohammad Hashim Kamali | Founding Ceo, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies “I think that the misunderstanding of Islam is not so much in terms of ideas and principles. It is that Islam is not being practised the way that it is taught… There was recently a learning exchange between two prominent scholars of Islam and the question was, what is the governing principle of Islam? What animates Islam most? One was