People and Management March 2019 | Page 22

INTERVIEW SR: These days, we often hear the ter m “Information Overload” in the business world. How can mind-mapping methods help to combat this problem? TB: Most cur rent methods of handling information is based on the 19th century Linear, Verbal and Monotonic model. Although, this worked comfortably for the Industrial Age. It does not work comfortably in the age of knowledge, creativity and intelligence. For example- standard linear and verbal organization techniques contain only 10 per cent of information that is relevant for the brain in its thinking processes. This means that they are 90 per cent ineffi cient. Using Mind Maps and other mental literacy techniques, all thinking becomes more effi cient, condensed, refi ned, rapid and clear. One businessperson said that before he had learned Mind Mapping and Mental Literacy skills, it was as if he were driving through his life with a windscreen, caked with mud. When he learned how to use his brain appropriately, he said that it was as if a windscreen wiper had suddenly, with one sweep, cleared away the mud, and for the fi rst time in his life he could see clearly. Mind Maps and mental literacy techniques give you that new clarity. They also give you a much greater control of your thinking processes and therefore a much greater control over your life. “Mind Maps are described as the ‘Swiss Army Knife of the Brain’. They allow individuals and groups to think, learn and create. They can be used to explore the universe in a manner that refl ect people’s natural form of thinking.” SR: What else would you like to share with our readers about the power and usefulness of Mind Mapping? TB: All branches of science are now confi rming that the human brain once set free, has no limits. Professor Pyotr Anokhin, of Moscow University, estimated that the number of thoughts available to the average human brain was the number 1 followed by ten and a half million kilometers of typewritten zeroes! Mind Maps are described as the ‘Swiss Army Knife of the Brain’. They allow individuals and groups to think, learn and create. They can be used to explore the universe in a manner that refl ect people’s natural form of thinking. A recent IT article said, “if you are not interested in thinking, creativity, learning, communication, analyzing, ne gotiation, innovation, or mental development and self-enhancement, then Mind Maps are not for you!” Mind Maps can be applied to the improvement of every form of thinking, and the forms of thinking are themselves infi nite. When you use Mind Maps you will be commencing a journey that will transform and amaze you! The amazement will be the realization of just how magnifi cent your mind truly is. SR: Finally, what interests you outside of your professional life? TB: Mostly I like socialising with my friends, induldging in recreational activities like sports and art, and apart from that, I am much interested in reading about Animal Intelligence and Astronomy. 22 | Vol. 10 Issue 3 • MARCH 2019, Delhi NCR