Happiness is something we strive for everyday as human beings; technology plays a big part in our everyday happiness whether we like to admit it or not. But is it real happiness or just the appearance of happiness? When we see our family members, friends, or even strangers posting photos of all the fun and exciting things they are doing online, we assume they are happy and we may start to feel like we’re missing out. It's easy to look at your photos and photos and wondering if you're life is living up to what everyone else is doing. It’s almost like if it’s not on social media, did it even happen? It’s important to put things into perspective and that can require disconnecting from social media and reconnecting with what truly makes you happy.
First, it is important to know that it is common practice to post to social media about only the good things happening in your life. Most people don’t want to relive any bad experiences and so just because someone is only posting about the great things they are doing does not mean their lives are perfect. Everything in moderation applies to how and what you post on social media so while it doesn't hurt to post about your fabulous vacation, shopping spree, or a picture of your spotless kitchen, it also helps to keep us grounded when we post the unfiltered selfies and the silly moments that happen everyday. Being able to post photos and speak about everyday things, not just glamorous things, can help set realistic expectations and keep disappointment out of the picture.
"...we assume they are happy and we may start to feel like we’re missing out."
The Fear of Missing Out
by Vanessa Hodges