PEONY MAGAZINE Sept. 2017 | Page 34

Once you’ve realized that not all things are as they seem on social media, you can start to move away from constantly checking to see who’s doing the next best thing and commit more time to better yourself. It’s hard to maintain this fear of missing out when you start to spend time doing the things you enjoy with the people you care about. Ultimately, disconnecting from social media can help prioritize what is really important and helps set a new precedent for how and what you spend your time on, while on social media. Every once in a while you will find yourself posting to social media about your vacation, your friends and family or the occasional selfie but you may find yourself not worrying about what you are wearing, how you look, or if everyone made sure to look at the camera and once you find yourself being ok with that, the value of what your putting out into the social media world will be representative of what your life looks like and you'll realize you're not really missing out on anything.

"...disconnecting from social media can help prioritize what is really important and helps set a new precedent for how and what you spend your time on."