Pensador September 2020 | Page 5


Greetings , Dear Reader . It is with great pride that we bring to you the 13th Issue o Pensador . Working alongside Safia and all of the fantastic section editors and team members who have worked hard to make this edition possible , has been an immense privilege . It is a truly humbling honour to see first-hand , what the great minds of this department can produce when given an outlet for their passion for language and culture . I can only urge you to read on , with a promise that you will be just as passionate as them , once you reach the end .

- Fiorenza Dell ' Anna

I hope you all enjoy our first online publication of the Pensador . May this be the first of many digital editions ! Thank you to everyone involved and to all the readers . ยก Buena lectura !

- Charlotte Warn

With special thanks to our proof readers :

Beatriz Arias Joseph Paulo Marta Fernandez Haro Anna Oliver Barreda Carmen Lloret Pinero
Marisol Valderrama Marga Menendez-Lopez Rossana Vanni Tatiana Romero