PenDragon - the official magazine of Lyford Cay International School PenDragon Vol 1, Spring 2015 | Page 9

solve problems, both individually and collectively. With privilege comes responsibility. Technological productivity has bestowed upon us heretofore unimaginable capabilities. New literacy is about using these capabilities effectively and responsibly to maximize our ability to innovate, educate and communicate. With so much at stake and so much to gain, technology stands at the center of our lives. The challenge for educators is to understand how these new literacies, spawned from technology, can be incorporated into an education that equips students with the tools they need to construct meaning, to shape their understandings, and to develop skills for the future. To be a “relevant educator” is to be a teacher who incorporates instructional technology and ultimately provides students with the new literacies they will need for the future. Society and education departments alike hold clear expectations that schools develop curriculums that effectively use technology while also teaching the importance of digital citizenship. While teachers are extremely eager and supportive of new literacies in general, many are not yet equipped with the skills to successfully integrate technology in their lessons. Nor can they further address the appropriate integration of these technologies in the lives of young people. Thus, while students will have experienced technology integration in every aspect of their personal and social lives, it is possible that they could leave school without the strategies to be effective agents of new literacies. The question, therefore, is not “how can we integrate technology in schools?” but rather, “what professional development do teachers need to convey the most appropriate uses of the vast tools and resources that students have?” One might be able to argue that while we call these digital literacies “new,” they are essential skills for life that have always existed. While this is certainly true, our lens has now changed, and these priorities must be achieved through the authentic use and ongoing evaluation of our new tools. The core principles of ethics and scholarship remain the same, but the way in which these principles are communicated, applied and monitored must evolve with the times. As a school leader, my role is to inspire a shared vision for technology, one that provides opportunity for its integration in students’ daily lives. However, my main priority is to foster an environment and culture where empowering and collaborative experiences will generate many great ideas and opportunities for personal and collective growth. While I think about students’ development of digital literacies, my focus is first to inspire my educators to take risks, ask questions, to share ideas and to provide for a participatory culture that encourages creativity and communication. When teachers have built their skills and increased their comfort level with technology, we can then have conversations about a systematic curriculum that prioritizes the integration of technology, innovation, and effective use. The 7 “WHAT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DO TEACHERS NEED TO CONVEY THE MOST APPROPRIATE USES OF THE VAST TOOLS AND RESOURCES THAT STUDENTS HAVE?” first step in facing the challenges of our digital age is to challenge teachers to prepare themselves to lead their personal and professional lives in “The New.” At LCIS, the continued professional growth of teachers is a significant priority and is generously supported by our parents and community through the Annual Fund. Our teachers are leading the way with the integration of technology as a tool for learning. Through further planning, support and training outlined in our Strategic Plan, we will continue to lead the way for our students and the nation.