PenDragon - the official magazine of Lyford Cay International School PenDragon Vol 1, Spring 2015 | Page 8

BEYOND TECHNOLOGY Embracing Opportunities to Build Essential Skills By Stacey Bobo, Principal There is a lot of talk in the education world about “new literacies.” Simply put, new literacies involve the knowledge and skills needed to function well in today’s world and beyond. Historically, literacy meant a proficiency in dealing with words. Could you read? Could you write? However, in the last 25 years, the advent of the internet and the integration of technology into every aspect of our lives has created a need to be literate with tools that have capabilities that we couldn’t even imagine just five years ago. These new literacies require us to work with or work around blogs, apps, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, video games, video chats, online research and online messaging. And while many of us are still looking for the book that we just downloaded on our Kindle, we must recognize the irrevocable role of technology in the twenty-first century and especially in the lives of youth. As a communication tool, technology has long since made its influence known in schools. For many years, we have had computers in schools, required students to type essays, conducted research online and used blogs and websites to share information. However, while many schools and teachers are happy with these twenty-first century tools, there are other literacies required to be fluent in the digital age. Critical thinking, 6 thinking creatively, evaluating sources of information, balancing skepticism and open-mindedness, and analyzing information for usefulness are essential new literacies. Additionally, with such ominous threats as hacking, cyber- bullying and privacy invasion, we will need att