John and Randi Willoch , originally from Norway , brought their three children to LCIS in 2010 when they migrated to The Bahamas from the United States . Benjamin ( Class of 2016 ) went on to complete his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering at Queen Mary University and is currently studying for his Master of Science in Energy Systems at Keble College , University of Oxford . Leon ( Class of 2017 ) graduated this summer with a Bachelor of Science in Maritime Business from Solent University , Southampton . In September , he will start studying for his Master of Science in Shipping , Trade and Finance at City , University of London Business School . Indianna graduated from LCIS this past June as part of the school ’ s largest senior class to date . She will study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manchester in the fall .
Why did you choose LCIS ?
John : The International Baccalaureate ( IB ) was the carrying idea for us . The kids had gone to an IB school when we lived in Oslo . When you move around geographically , choosing an international curriculum just works out so seamlessly . Here in The Bahamas , there were only a few options and the kids chose Lyford . It was their choice . After the school was chosen , the neighbourhood we would live in was chosen . So , there never was any alternative to the IB for us .
How did graduating from LCIS and completing the IB Diploma Programme prepare you academically and socially for university ?
Benjamin : Well , you get to university , and no one has ever really cited anything before . And we ’ ve been citing things since Grade 8 or earlier . We ’ ve had a few times when we ’ ve done peer marking and