Agricultural Solar Barn
Recognising the cost associated with assembly time , HuckBolts installations are extremely fast ; typically , just two seconds . The time saving by utilising HuckBolts is significant when considering the large number of potential fastening points . It could be argued that the cost of the HuckBolt fastener and installation tools are more than those of a nut and bolt , but when considered , the high fatigue strength of HuckBolts means that fewer are needed . Joint integrity is not compromised , and overheads are quickly saved in other areas . Post-installation , HuckBolts only require quick visual inspection , saving even more time and cost .
Structural Integrity : Consistent , High Clamp Force
Each HuckBolt performs identically in terms of strength and clamping force . Unlike other mechanical fasteners a HuckBolt ’ s clamping force is determined by the by the stretching of the pin and swaging the collar into the pins locking grooves during installation .
HuckBolt Key Benefits
Irrespective of whether threaded fasteners or HuckBolts are chosen , the most effective method to prevent self-loosening is to ensure that the mechanical properties of the joint are correctly determined and that there is sufficient clamp force present on the joint interface ; it must be enough to resist the applied loading and prevent the joint from slipping . However , by installing
Aeres Green High School , Almere Amsterdam
HuckBolts , an engineer can count on many benefits including : -
• Will not loosen even under extreme vibration .
• Maintenance free joints – no need to torque or re-torque .
• Lower lifetime total cost of joint - high shear and tensile strengths for increased joint fatigue life .
• High speed , easy to install systems can reduce production time by 75 %.
• Improves health and safety - replace welded joints .
• Tamperproof – once installed cannot be removed without specialist tooling .
Love or loath then , solar panels are definitely the way forward , whether that is in the form of huge solar farms , or as part of the architectural landscape . Where space is at a premium , placing solar panels on rooftops or more visible areas such as facades is going to be a necessity . Conventional ways of fitting and fastening solar panels will be challenged , buildings of the future will be at least in part , solar architecture buildings . The future strategy of solar is dynamic , and it ’ s a great time to explore how Huck fastening technology can become a component of solar design of the future .
Specialists in the supply of Huck Fasteners , Star Fasteners are proud to be the UK ’ s largest Huck fastener distributor . Working with a diverse range of end users and distributors from across a wide variety of industries . We are also an accredited Huck tool service and repair centre ; expert technical knowledge and a large tool hire fleet complements our service .
Tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 1159324939 | Email : Sales @ starfasteners . co . uk | www . starfasteners . co . uk
Issue 59 PECM 29