An Array of Solar Fastening Solutions
With a recent drive in the industry to move towards more sustainable methods of energy and power generation such as solar , fasteners are often overlooked in the design process , despite playing a crucial role in connecting multiple components . Here , Star Fastenings outlines its range of Huck ® fasteners specifically designed to withstand the harsh environments in solar applications and why architects and fastener suppliers should be ready with solutions now .
Efficient and effective technologies are key to the successful integration of renewables ; to ensure affordability , cost-effectiveness , as well as the continuity and security of our energy supply and grid stability .
The durability and reliability of solar structures is of paramount importance . Fasteners play a crucial part in the overall success of a project frequently connecting multiple components to create securely fastened joints . These connection points need to be sturdy enough to transmit both static ( snow ), and dynamic loads ( wind ). Wind and vortices that introduce energy to the solar array at just the right frequencies can create dynamic loads that can quickly overwhelm the system , causing catastrophic failure .
The solar sub-frame , racking and tracking assemblies are important components as they provided the core structure and strength and are often subjected to great stresses and strains . They must survive years of environmental exposure without compromise in performance , any effect on the structural integrity can mean many hours of lost energy production and costly repairs .
Often , the most vulnerable point on a design is where there is an interface or join between components . Nuts and bolts have over centuries been used in wide range of applications , both intricate assemblies through to mammoth installations . Bolted joints are designed to achieve a specific tension . The bolt acts as a spring to generate and retain preload in the joint . If the bolt is not stretched or elongated correctly by both the tool and the operator , targeted preload cannot be achieved and maintained . Even when installed and
Huck ® BobTail ®
- Unmatched installation speed - less than 2 seconds per fastener - Five times the fatigue strength of conventional nuts and bolts - No pin break required for installation , leaving no corrosion-prone area of bare metal - Unmatched level of vibration resistance
- Can be pre-assembled by hand to lightly assemble the structure , then finally swaged with the installation tool .
Self-Grounding BobTail
- All of the features of the standard Bob Tail plus self-grounding capabilities - Eliminates the need for complex grounding assemblies - reducing inventory , installation time , and costs - Simple visual inspection confirms proper installation
Magna-Lok ®
Fasteners play a crucial part in the overall success of a project frequently connecting multiple components to create securely fastened joints .
checked , the installed values of the fastener can vary significantly . After installation often self-loosening takes place , this is when the threaded fastener loosens by rotation as a result of repeated slippage in the joint . Wedge washers and pre-applied high strength adhesive can often help , but these are an additional component and expense . Typically , a physical post-installation inspection is necessary to ensure that all bolts are tightened to specification , a visual check of a nut and bolt does not ensure it is correctly torqued . On a solar farm for example , there are likely to be thousands of fasteners , so additional checks postinstallation would be costly and time consuming .
Hole Filling Structural Blind Fastener
- Complete hole-filling rivet ( CHFR ) specifically designed for solar application moisture resistant - Wide grip range accommodates large variations in joint thickness - Unique mechanical lock ensures the integrity of the fastener in loaded conditions - Simple visual inspection confirms proper installation
Huck BOM ®
- Highest strength blind oversized mechanical fastener - Used as a replacement for welding - Effective for blind-side joining applications - Vibration resistant ; will not loosen over time
Huck ® LockBolts ®, an alternative fastening solution .
There are significant differences in strength and performance between the two main types of fasteners , threaded and Lockbolts . HuckBolts ® ( also known as LockBolts ) offer distinct advantages over traditional threaded fasteners for connecting permanent PV racking system joints .
Huck fasteners are precision-engineered to deliver unmatched installation speed , fatigue life and vibration resistance , tested and proven in solar arrays around the world . Known for their industry-leading shear and tensile strength , HuckBolts deliver consistent clamp at every point of any installation . They have been designed to be tamper proof for an additional measure of security for valuable PV panels .
Huck LockBolt Installation
PV Fastening options
HuckBolts such as BobTail ® consist of two parts , a pin , and a collar , but use an entirely different installation method to nuts and bolts . During installation the direct metalto-metal contact of the hardened metal pin and the swaging of the collar into the pins locking grooves , eliminates the loosening effects of transverse vibration . Specially designed installation tooling ( driven by pneumatic , pneudraulic or battery power ) is used to install the fasteners .
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