In d u s t r i a l
I n n o v a t o r s
P l a t f o r m
Y o u r P r o c e s s . I m p r o v e d .
A user-friendly process optimisation tool, designed to enable rapid
development and testing of real-life industrial processes in a safe,
controlled environment
C A P T U R E , A L I G N , C L E A N
Simplified yet powerful tools for aligning historical process data with lab
results and at-line instrumentation readings – even operator comments.
No data needs to be excluded, to provide the most detailed picture
possible of your process.
Remove outliers, fill gaps, apply filtering using a comprehensive range of
intelligent tools that will prepare your data, ready to yield its secrets.
A N A L Y S E , V I S U A L I S E , R E A L I S E
Parallel Coordinates tools and Unsupervised Learning techniques enable
intuitive assessment of multiple variables, with just a few clicks.
You will quickly understand when your process has performed well, when
improvements could have been made, and which variables are having the
biggest impact on quality or efficiency.
M O D E L , E V A L U A T E , U N D E R S T A N D
Develop a robust digital model of your process, representing its real-world
behaviour and operation. You now have your plant, on your desktop,
ready to be put through its paces.
Batch and continuous manufacturing processes can be transformed into
interactive digital equivalents, validated against real-world data to ensure
their fidelity.
S I M U L A T E , T E S T , I M P R O V E
The next step in digital process improvement is to simulate and test
multiple scenarios, to determine how to get more from your plant – yield,
throughput, quality.
Investigate, quantify and evaluate improvement scenarios. Determine,
assess and prototype a model-based solution, ready for approval. All in a
non-intrusive off-line environment.
Models and strategies developed offline can then be robustly deployed in
the real world. Seamlessly import them into the PerceptiveAPC Real Time
Suite, configure the interface, then start making immediate improvements
to your operations.