PECM Issue 44 2020 | Page 92

O N E - S T O P I M P R O V E M E N T INDUSTRIAL INNOVATORS PLATFORM DA T A V I S U A L I S A T I O N Drag and Drop visualisation tools including charts, sophisticated trending, scatter plots, parallel coordinate plots, multi-sparklines and contextual messaging built to support process analysis, system benchmarking and event analysis. P R O C E S S M O D E L S Empirical steady-state and dynamic models for soft sensors, monitoring, control and optimisation. Continuous and batch models, with parametric and non-parametric options. All model parameters, predictions, performance metrics are accessible via an intuitive user interface with context-driven help. Create meaningful, intuitive user interfaces for data entry or process simulation. Context-driven information panels provide guidance and assistance when you need it. PR O C E S S M O N I T O R I N G u s i n g S P C , M V S P C Design and evaluate monitoring models for improving the detection, identification and diagnosis of faults within complex processes. Each monitor can be fully evaluated by streaming historical process data into the engine, to ensure high robustness and provide effective and meaningful alarms. Configurable tools include Real Time Shewhart, EWMA and CUSUM charts with Western Electric Rules, automated Outlier detection and alarming. Full suite of templates for multivariate process monitors using Principal Component Analysis, Partial Least Squares. Multivariable Alarm Thresholds and MVSPC plots with SPE & T 2 statistics. Complete Multi-Model Operating Modes, Fault Fingerprints, Fault Diagnosis tools. S I M U L A T E D C O N T R O L E N G I N E E R I N G PID Controller with selectable structures. State of Art Linear and non linear Model Predictive Control, for both continuous and batch processes. Adaptive control system for challenging problems. Stiction compensator. Tools include Robustness Analysis, automatic management of lost signals, uncertainty and model switching for multi product systems. Integrated performance metrics and de-tuning functionality. O P T I M I S A T I O N Steady State and Incremental Linear, Quadratic, Sequential Quadratic Programming (LP / QP / SQP), Real-time Optimisation Engines with prioritised relaxation for industrial applications, Batch Endpoint Optimisation using unique PLS design. Rapid side-by-side comparison of controllers for faster fine-tuning. • [email protected] A L A R M & E V E N T M A N A G E M E N T Design Configurable Events and Alarms which can be transferred into an SQL database in the Real Time Platform. Alerts can trigger emails or reports to key personnel provide a real time record of an incident. Perceptive Engineering Limited Vanguard House, Keckwick Lane Sci-Tech Daresbury Cheshire WA4 4AB UK +44 1925 607150 Perceptive Engineering Pte Limited Galaxis Work Loft #05-51 3 Fusionopolis Place Singapore 138523 t +65 6250 7565 Perceptive Engineering Ltd (Ireland) Nexus Innovation Centre, University of Limerick Republic of Ireland t +65 6250 7565