Pearls & Ivy November 2017 Pearls & Ivy | Page 2

Theta Rho Omega Chapter INSIDE THIS ISSUE Chaplain’s Corner Basileus Anti Basileus Soror Celebrations Coming AKAtractions 2 3 3 4 4 Meeting Dates Hostesses 5 5 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST Where are they now? 5 Be in the Know 6 Risky Business 7 From the Chaplain, A “Thank you” will do In this month Americans all agree that it is good to faithfully, honestly and sincerely GIVE THANKS. Thanksgiving is based on that belief. But it doesn’t stop there. How important it is that we graciously and courteously ACCEPT honest, sincere expressions of gratitude? It is very important! A sincere sign of appreciation really does warm us. Those who say “I don’t want any thanks” are really not being honest with themselves. Those who respond to compliments by disparaging themselves are insulting our God who enables all of our good works. It is a deep, basic need to receive expressions of gratitude and appreciation. That may include: just a few words, a warm handshake, a hug, a letter, a card, a smile and phone call. All of these go a long way to encourage and inspire us. No one is untouched by genuine appreciation. Mark Twain once wrote, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” I repeat Sorors, a compliment is a very precious gift and it should be received that way. A simple forthright “Thank you” to a compliment or show of appreciation is a reflection of God’s grace and is always in order. Sisterly, Soror Fabienne Williams Neiman