Peachy the Magazine Summer 2023 | Page 55

Get feedback from trusted individuals .
Nurturing your own creativity is part of re-purposing . Make lists , paint , draw pictures , be colorful , read about your interests , watch shows or listen to podcasts that are informative . Make a vision board . Go on a retreat . Take a class . Gather data . Notice what gives you energy and reminds you of yourself .
Then consider the next phase …

Get feedback from trusted individuals .

It ’ s important to gauge some of your ideas and objectives with input from people who know and care about you . These need to be people who are supportive and objective . Not people who are going to criticize your ideas but will instead offer valuable insights that you might not have considered .
Don ’ t get discouraged or too focused on someone else ’ s approval . If you haven ’ t caught on by now , this re-purposing is also about identifying a new sense of purpose for yourself . This doesn ’ t need to be a singular purpose — although that works just fine .
It is about re-energizing yourself and nurturing that energy . It ’ s creating a vision and a path and then finding smaller goals and objectives and letting yourself be a beginner for a while . Let your nest be a place to wobble a little and to experience some trial and error .
Let your environment be a place that nurtures and restores you . Let your imagination help you launch something new and fresh and inspiring . Whether it ’ s adapting some facet of your existing career or learning a new skill or organizing a group or traveling the globe , let yourself dream big and find ways to foster your own magnificent growth . n
And here ’ s an important tip : also talk to people who are doing something you admire . Don ’ t worry if some of these folks don ’ t “ see ” you in a similar role . That doesn ’ t matter right now . You are just gathering data .
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