Give yourself some major affirmation for paying attention to yourself .
Get curious about what your future can look like .
The thing is , though , normal doesn ’ t mean that you have to just ignore or get over this disorienting , foggy “ stuck-ness .” It means that you have a right to acknowledge the experience and find ways to do something with it or about it .
Which brings me to the concept of re-purposing …
Give yourself some major affirmation for paying attention to yourself .
Maybe this is the first time in a while that you ’ ve really considered that you need to nurture you . The first task is to consider your own needs for care during a big life transition .
Let your re-purposed nest be an environment for your own preparation , protection and growth . Let yourself sink in a little to the notion that you are worth it ! You deserve a space to explore and feel safe and find your footing .
One of my favorite mantras is “ Start Slow to Go Fast .” And this is a great time to go slow and easy . Take a breath . Take a walk . Take a friend or partner out to lunch and say out loud , “ This feels different / hard / exhilarating / devastating .”
Curl up and cry for a few hours or days . Any transition involves grief . Even the best transitions require leaving something behind .
Dance around the empty house if that ’ s what feels right to you . Remember that you spent many years pouring energy and intention into a certain kind of nest-making and you ’ ll need to sort out how to re-purpose . Move some things around , add or edit , choose a nook to make your very own mini-nest .
And when you are ready — drum roll , please — here it is …
Get curious about what your future can look like .
Imagine possibilities , dream big , get creative . And don ’ t rush into anything .
Your first excellent idea might not be as great as the third or fourth one . Don ’ t limit your imagination . But don ’ t jump in too fast , either .