Since 1894, the mission of this inde-
pendent elementary school has been
to transform the lives of its students
by providing quality education for
children of low-income families; these
students are offered a full scholarship
when admitted. The founder, Grace
Arents, believed that all children,
despite their lack of resources, deserve
quality education. And, moreover, she
believed that this quality education
lays the foundation for a child’s ability
to succeed and thrive as an adult.
“There are very few schools in the
country that provide a full scholarship
for every student. We are one of those
few,” Dr. Weldon-Lassiter says.
30-minute lessons a week. By teach-
ing students how to play the violin,
St. Andrew’s empowers them to grow
beyond academic intelligence.
St. Andrew’s School advocates for
conversation and the practice of man-
aging one’s emotions through social
and emotional learning (SEL). Teachers
and faculty work with the students to
teach essential skills which support
healthy emotion management, meth-
ods of dealing with conflict, as well as
appropriate and responsible decision
making in life.
The school is built upon six fundamen-
tals which are each embedded in the
everyday life of the students: academic
curriculum, social and emotional learn-
ing, nutrition and wellness, visual and
performing arts, family engagement
and graduate support.
St. Andrew’s encourages its students to
learn about the world through visual
and performing arts, establishing arts
as part of the daily curriculum. The
school has incorporated an instrumen-
tal program in which every student is
taught how to play the violin via two