Peace & Stability Journal Volume 2, Issue 4 | Page 31

PAGE 2 SOLLIMS UPDATE—4TH QUARTER FY12. SOLLIMS / FACEBOOK go to . We are posting “events” for discussion; we currently have two on line. An “event” is developed by taking a lesson from SOLLIMS and then posing an issue related to the lesson that stimulates discussion. We then can take notes from the discussion and maybe form a new insight/lesson to post to SOLLIMS. This might be an area you would be interested in ? Just let us know and we’ll ‘do the digits’ to get your issue up on our Facebook page. Goal is to post a new event every 5-6 weeks. If you post an ‘event’ we would expect that you would monitor the associated discussion. This is a great way to leverage this social media environment to bring stability operations practitioners together and discuss, in a collegial venue, an issue with significant implications for future engagements We feel that SOLLIMS is a valuable tool for the peace and stability operations community. As a Stability Operations, SOLLIMS is your tool to use on the road or while preparing for your next major deployment. You might want to browse the various SOLLIMS’ libraries and document folders - we have a very robust and comprehensive set of references as well as the lessons database. Let us know what your thoughts are -- we are preparing the annual development plan for next year, your input can help frame where we go, what improvements or added functions we should incorporate into the plan. 29