PDA History - 150 years+ | Page 53

Dr . Jay Wells
I have been a member of the ADA since graduation from dental school at Pitt and was in the Air Force Dental Corps at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio , Texas . I could not join the PDA then because I was not in the state . I did join when I came back home to Bethel Park and began my practice .
Two year later , I was elected to two terms to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives where I promoted fluoridation and worked against efforts to undermine it . Water fluoridation has been designated as one of the top 10 public health measures of the 20th Century . That is certainly one of dentistry ’ s greatest achievements along with composites and adhesive dentistry . Prosthetic implants belongs in that category as well .
Dr . Raymond R . Lancione
I ’ m proud and fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience 60 memorable years of the 150 years of PDA ’ s history . My involvement came about through the caring hands of the greatest mentor of all time , Dr . Kay F . Thompson . She encouraged my participation at the local level , which led to opportunities at the state and national associations . Through the years I have followed her lead by mentoring new dentists that had leadership potential . My advice to all new dentists is to join their professional society for the opportunity it has to meet with other colleagues and the many other member benefits . It can be very rewarding .