PD Catalogue 2018 Catalogue | Page 5

THE WRITTEN WORD: ORTHOGRAPHY & MORPHOLOGY ORTHOGRAPHY: English is a rich and complex language. For some, English MORPHOLOGY: 80% of all words appears illogical and “crazy”. It doesn’t readers encounter have one or have to be this way. English is well- more affixes (Cunningham ordered and logical…if you know the “rules”. Unfortunately, most educator (1998). Learning the most preparation programs have failed to common affixes, bases and root teach teachers the foundational words facilitates automatic word knowledge needed to teach recognition. decoding. This workshop changes that. OUTCOMES: OUTCOMES: § Learn and apply the six syllabication § Identify most common prefixes, roots, & four chopping patterns to decode suffixes and combining forms in English multisyllabic words. content words. § Learn the five most common § Analyze words at the morpheme spelling rules and how to incorporate level. into instruction. § Integrate morphology into word study, Audience: K-5 Educators Time: 4 Hours (can be divided into two workshops) vocabulary and fluency instruction. § Develop tools for direct instruction.