P&D Annual Report 2013.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 7

Chairman’s Report for the May 2013- April 2014 The year seems to have passed in a flash and it is my duty once again to provide a report as District Chairman. Our District Commissioner has documented the Scouting activities in his report so I will not repeat them. I will however extend my thanks to all those who have contributed to the success of Scouting in the Penarth District over the past year. Julian and his team of uniformed and nonuniformed leaders have provided a comprehensive and exciting programme of activities for all of the sections in the movement. The District Executive is also grateful for the support of parents without whose support some activities could not take place. Recruitment of leaders and helpers remains a problem and many vacancies exist in the District team and in some of our Groups. The town and residential area continues to expand and without more leaders we will be unable to offer the “scouting experience” to many future young Penarthians. Recruitment of more leaders and helpers will be a priority for the District Executive in the forthcoming year. The District Executive continues to invest in the facilities of the District headquarters at PADSAC with a new heating system being planned and partially installed and is currently looking for funding to improve the energy efficiency of the building by changing the lighting and adding solar panels. The running of the shop at PADSAC provides much needed funds to help with the running of the District and I offer my sincere thanks to Barry Angus and his team of helpers for manning the shop. The District Executive has met regularly and has been joined this year by a new treasurer, Ellen Edwards and secretary, Karen Wookey. I am grateful to these new officers for their work during the past year and to all the other members of the Executive for their hard work and commitment to Scouting over the past twelve months. Also our thanks should be offered to Ken Wilson and the members of the Appointments Advisory Committee. Finally, on behalf of the District Executive I offer my congratulations to Owain Havard, Jonathan Wright and Thomas Mullett who have been selected to attend the World Jamboree in Japan in 2015. I am sure that they will enjoy the experience. Andrew Davison District Chairman