District Commissioner Report for May 2013- April 2014
The last 12 months have seen us grow AGAIN by another 8% taking our membership to just short of
540. We still have the challenge of lots of young people joining and wanting to join but not having
enough leaders and adults to keep up with this.
In the last 12 months the district team has delivered a wide range of activities to support the sections
of the district in delivering scouting locally. To name a few of the activities that have happened this
year there was a Beaver Badge day, a Cub 5-a-side competition and Scout Summer Camp to
Walesby World Experience with 3000 other scouts. I must say a big thank you to my district leaders;
Will, Hywel, Rob and Sarah for all their hard work. We unfortunately had to say good bye to Claire our
district beaver leader in 2013 as she moved to South Africa. We wish her well in her new adventure
and thank her for all the support she gave scouting. Phil also stepped down from overseeing explorer
scouting in the district. His support has been invaluable in getting the second un