Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Held at PADSAC, Penarth
On Thursday 9th May 2013
1. Andy Davison, District Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting
2. Apologies for absence were recorded.
3. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2012 were approved, proposed by Susan Powis and
seconded by Derrick Musk, all agreed. There were no matters arising.
4. District Commissioner’s report – Julian highlighted certain points from his written report including
the success of the explorer belt in 2012 to Luxembourg and Belgium and the recruitment of a
district leadership team.
5. Approval of the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2012. Derrick presented the accounts
and pointed out that there were some errors which will be corrected prior to these going to the
Auditors. These were approved in principal.
6. Scout Association Awards for Good Service and Long Service were presented
7. Approval of the District Commissioner’s nomination of District Chairman - Julian nominated Andy
Davison for another year.
8. Approval of District President and Vice Presidents - no President to elect and the present Vice
Presidents were approved.
9. Election of District Officers – Karen Wookey as District Secretary and Ellen Edwards as District
Treasurer all agreed
10. Election of District Executive Committee members:
Roger Morse
Pat Davies
Roger Kingdom
Darryl Payne (Under 25 year old)
Jon Scott (Under 25 year old)
All present Executive Members were re-elected for the forthcoming year.
11. District Commissioners Nominations to the District Executive – Philip Perks, Nick Thomas and
Ken Wilson
12. Appointment of Auditors approved – Davies Williams
13. Nomination to the Area Scout Council – not required.