PCS Stewardship Report Annual 18 final | Page 5

Stewardship Report FY 2017 - 18 Message from the Executive Director W We have also established an internal referral system so that frontline staff can refer beneficiaries to a team of professional social workers and counsellors. e want to have an inclusive society, and it matters much to us that those in dire need should find the needed help and not be left out. In every society, there will be people who have been disadvantaged by life issues and require some forms of intervention and support. In our drive to focus on upstream work, we recognize the importance of a more inclusive society to look out for one another. For collective impact, we need to foster a growing culture of mutual support to forge a thoughtful and caring society. Promptness to detect early distress and provision of help in swiftness and effectiveness are what we can strive for as a social service organization. As a charitable organization, there is a limit to how many we can help. However, with your support, more can be done with added resources. To be intentional, the Presbyterian Community Services has positioned its services at the upstream to focus on “Prevention and Education,” and “Early Detection and Intervention”. Your continual encouragement and part- nership with us is deeply appreciated. With the many helping hands working together for good social causes, we all can be challenged to serve with alacrity, to deliver help in a more timely manner. As “Prevention and Education” has always been our mainstream of work, greater effort has been put in to heighten the work of “Early Detection and Intervention”. Staff and volunteers working with the vulnerable population are being trained to spot early signs of distress so that timely intervention can be provided. David Lim Executive Director Presbyterian Community Services 3