PCS Stewardship Report 15-16 | Page 33

Governance Evaluation Checklist
BOARD GOVERNANCE Are there Board members holding staff appointments ?
There is a maximum term limit of four consecutive years for the Treasurer ’ s position ( or equivalent , e . g . Finance Committee Chairman ).
The Board conducts regular self-evaluation to assess its performance and effectiveness .
There are Board committees ( or designated Board members ) with documented terms of reference .
The Board meets regularly with a quorum of at least one-third or at least three members , whichever is greater ( or as required by the governing instrument ).
There are documented procedures for Board members and staff to declare actual or potential conflicts of interest to the Board .
Board members do not vote or participate in decision-making on matters where they have a conflict of interest .
The Board reviews and approves the vision and mission of the charity . They are documented and communicated to its members and the public .
The Board approves and reviews a strategic plan for the charity to ensure that the activities are in line with its objectives .
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Board approves documented human resource policies for staff . There are systems for regular supervision , appraisal and professional development of staff . There is a system to address grievances and resolve conflicts .
The Board ensures internal control systems for financial matters are in place with documented procedures .
The Board ensures reviews on the charity ’ s controls , processes , key programmes and events
The Board approves an annual buget for the charity ’ s plans and regularly monitors its expenditures .
The charity discloses its reserves policy in the annual report . Does the charity invest its reserves ?
FUNDRAISING PRACTICES Donations collected are properly recorded and promptly deposited by the charity .
The charity makes available to its stakeholders an annual report that includes information on its programmes , activities , audited financial statements , Board members and executive management .
Are Board members remunerated for their Board services ? Does the charity employ paid staff ? No staff is involved in setting his or her own remuneration .
The charity discloses in its annual report the annual remuneration of its three highest paid staff who each receives remuneration exceeding $ 100,000 in bands of $ 100,000 . If none of its top three highest paid staff receives more than $ 100,000 in annual remuneration each , the charity discloses this fact .
PUBLIC IMAGE The charity accurately portrays its image to its members , donors and the public .
No Complied Complied Complied
Complied Complied
Complied Complied
Complied Complied Complied
Complied Complied Complied
Complied No
No Yes Complied
None of the staff receives more than $ 100,000 in annual remuneration
Inspiring Lives Beyond Services