PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_June 2019 | Page 15
Law Week 2019 Highlights (Continued)
Dennis Koehler Annual Judges vs Attorneys Softball Challenge – “Heather’s Team” takes home the bragging rights!
Tanique Lee and Jason Lazarus
Sherry Webber delivers clothes for our
annual Law Suit Day Clothing Drive to
benefit the Lord’s Place and the Public
Defenders Boutique
Judges Paige Gillman, Lisa Small and
Rosemarie Scher
Softball captains Greg Yaffa for “Heather’s
Team” and Judge Sara Alijewicz for the
judge's side
Tequisha Myles answers legal
questions during Dial A Lawyer
Ben Fechter at Everglades Elementary
"Shadow A Judge"
Law Week in action