PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_june 2018 | Page 4
PRESIDENT’S M e s s a g e
We honored lawyers who have given their
time and effort to community causes, raised
awareness of complex issues facing our
communities, and provided community
educational opportunities. One highlight of
the educational program included inviting
several local schools to participate in Federal
Naturalization Ceremonies, emphasizing
civics education and appreciation for our
Rosalyn Sia Baker-Barnes
2017-18 PBCBA President
Our local lawyers also gave back through our
Annual Law Week activities, including the
Shadow-A-Judge and Mock Trial Programs
for local students. The highlight of my law
week?- watching local lawyer Malcolm
Harrison talk to a group of U.B. Kinsey
elementary students about his journey
from Belle Glade, to U.B Kinsey student and
ultimately an Ivy League education and
successful career as a lawyer. His message:
anything is possible!
At the beginning of my term, a number of
past bar Presidents offered great advice. The
common theme among them?- "Enjoy the
ride, your time as President of the bar will
go by quickly." Like most seasoned veterans,
they were right. While the time has flown
by, I have enjoyed the ride with you as we
continue to make Palm Beach county a great
place to practice law.
Our year ended on a high note with our
Law Day Luncheon, which was dedicated
to providing education, awareness and
solutions to Human Trafficking. Shanika
Ampah courageously discussed her journey
from victim, to survivor to, and how she has
overcome her struggle after years of being
trafficked. We encourage our members to
donate to the “Not Just Me Foundation,”
a local non-profit organization whose
This year, we emphasized the importance mission is to prevent sexual assault and
of the health and wellness of our lawyers, help survivors reclaim their lives.
through many of our CLE offerings and
with our most recent Health and Wellness Finally, we have focused this year on getting
luncheon, co-sponsored by seven other back into our bar building. I am proud to say
local bar associations. The event featured a that we are almost there. The walls are up,
round-table discussion with mental health and the rebuild is well underway. A special
professionals, designed to help lawyers thank you to board members Dean Xenick,
identify the signs of mental illness, and John Whittles and W. Mason, for assisting
focused upon workable solutions and us throughout this project.
resources to help our lawyers face these
challenges. The key to the small group I would like to thank the Chairs of our 32 bar
event was free and open discussion about committees, who have worked extremely
the pressures we face as lawyers. We hard this year providing excellent
encourage you to continue to emphasize continuing legal education seminars, fun
the importance of lawyers preserving our networking events and taken time out of
physical and mental health and wellness at their busy schedules to give back to our
your law firms, agencies and companies.
community. You all should also be proud
of your Board of Directors, our Executive
In additional to health and wellness, we Director, Carla Tharp Brown and our bar
focused on community outreach through our staff.
"You've Been Served" Initiative, designed to
highlight the positive impact lawyers have
in our community.
They have all worked to ensure that the bar
continues to provide quality programming,
networking and resources for our members,
despite the many challenges we have faced,
including our building fire. I am confident
that our bar is in good hands, and that
President-Elect Greg Huber will continue
our tradition of providing service to our
members. Thank you for allowing me the
privilege of serving as your President.