PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_April 2019 | Page 14
DIVERSITY C o r n e r
The Honorable Bradley Harper
2019 Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity & Inclusion
Award Recipient
In 2016, Judge Bradley Harper was
elected to the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit’s
County Court Bench. Judge Harper has
the distinction of being the first African
American lawyer elected judge without
having been previous appointed by a
governor in the 110-year history of Palm
Beach County.
His election was an
inspiration to this legal community and to
the community at large. The significance
of his election was apparent when more
than 680 people attended his investiture
on February 17, 2017. He has proven to be a
good judge and is doing a fantastic job!
Judge Harper served as the second Chair of
the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion
from 2005-2006. Under his leadership, the
committee implemented the first Diversity
Internship Program with Palm Beach
County law firms. Judge Harper also helped
to encourage local law firms to participate
in and to support the Diversity Internship
Program. As Chair of the committee, Judge
Harper proved himself to be a trailblazer by
implementing a program that has grown
to create opportunities for talented law
students to gain entry into local law firms.
Additionally, while he was a partner in two
prominent local law firms, Judge Harper
hired a diverse intern or associate in each
year of his practice.
As President of the Cunningham Bar
Association and Chair of its Diversity
Committee, Judge Harper created and
implemented the Road to the Bench
Program, which continues to this day.
Judge Harper created the Road to the
Bench Program to educate aspiring lawyers
about the judicial merit selection process
and the election process. The original
program featured local judges and Judicial
Nominating Committee members who
shared their insight about judicial elections
and the Judicial Nominating Committee
process, answered questions regarding the
Judicial Nominating Committee process,
and encouraged diverse applicants to seek
election and apply for judgeships.
These efforts, along with Judge Harper’s
historic election, have inspired many other
diverse individuals to seek judgeships in
Palm Beach County. In the campaign
Judge Bradley Harper
cycle immediately following Judge
Harper’s election, three African American
lawyers, one Asian American lawyer, and
numerous women lawyers sought election
to the bench. Judge Harper’s work prior to
becoming a judge and his election to the
bench have clearly been inspiring to many.
Since his election, Judge Harper has
continued his efforts to expose citizens to
the justice system in a positive manner.
He routinely hosts “In Court with Judge
Harper,” where he exposes citizens and
students to the inner workings of the
court system. Additionally, Judge Harper
continues his efforts to improve the
administration of justice by encouraging
prospective jurors to report for service,
share their experiences regarding jury
service, and exercise their right to vote.
In addition to his commitment to fostering
diversity in the legal community, Judge
Harper serves as an Assistant Scout
Master where he always encourages and
uplifts the community’s youngest citizens
and future leaders.
I take great delight to see Judge Harper
excel as a great husband, father, son, and
judge, who demonstrates daily a real
commitment to and concern for the welfare
of all people.
It was my honor to nominate him for the
Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity and
Inclusion Award.
Judge Sheree Davis Cunningham has
served as a County Court Judge since 1993.
Committee for Diversity & Inclusion
Battles Over Equality & Liberty
Guest Speaker
Dean Rachel F. Moran
Friday, April 5th, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
West Palm Beach Marriott
Register Online Today!