PBCBA BAR BULLETINS pbcba_bulletin_April 2019 | Page 13
BOARD OF DIRECTORS E l e c t i o n
Grasford Smith *
Firm/Employer: Jones Foster
Law School: New York University
Year admitted to practice: 2006
Year joined PBCBA: 2008
Lawyers are either social engineers or parasites on society. That quote is from the renowned lawyer Charles Hamilton Houston and I
take it very seriously. Bar service has been a cornerstone of my legal career for almost 14 years. I have the distinct honor to serve on the
Palm Beach County Bar Board for 3 years and over that time have been involved in every key decision of the Bar, including minimizing
the financial and operational impact from the fire damage to the Bar building.
As a Board Member, I draw on my wealth of experience in my law practice and in my Bar and community service. In addition to being
a Litigation Partner at Jones Foster, I served or am serving the Bar and community in various capacities, such as Vice Chair of Palm
Beach County Grievance Committee 15E, Board Member of the Virgil Hawkins Bar Association, Board Member of the Legal Aid Society
of Palm Beach, Member of the Florida Bar Civil Procedure Rules Committee, General Counsel of the Urban League of Palm Beach County,
President of the F. Malcolm Cunningham Sr. Bar Association, Chair of the Transaction Law Committee and Co-Chair of the Diversity
Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar.
The breadth of my experience allows me to respond to the unpredictable challenges facing the Bar and to protect the Bar for its members.
I am honored that several former Presidents of the Florida Bar have endorsed my candidacy for reelection. I would appreciate your vote.
Scott Smith *
Firm/Employer: Scott Smith Injury Law
Law School: Florida State College of Law
Year admitted to practice: 1998
Year joined PBCBA: 1999
My name is Scott Smith and I have been a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association since 1999. I have been fortunate to
serve on the Board of Directors for the PBCBA for the last 4 years. Prior to being a BOD member I also served on the following PBCBA
committees: Circuit Civil Practice Committee (Past Chair), PI/Wrongful Death CLE Committee (Past Chair), NCS Director, Bench Bar
Committee, Judicial Relations Committee, Lawyers for Literacy Committee and the Law Week Committee. I have also had the opportunity
to previously serve as President of the PBCJA and serve on the FJA’s Board of Directors.
This prior Board experience, primarily the last 4 years as a PBCBA Director, provides me with a significant amount of understanding as to
what is needed for a local voluntary bar association to properly serve its members. Specifically, my time as a PBCBA Board member has
provided me with detailed information about our association and about what is necessary for the PBCBA to continue with fulfilling its
mission of serving its members, fostering professionalism and enhancing the public’s understanding and awareness of the legal system.
In addition to my past Board experience with the PBCBA, PBCJA and FJA, I feel that my experience as an active trial lawyer here in PBC
will also allow me to contribute to the PBCBA’s Board of Directors and the entire association. I kindly and respectfully ask that you use
one of your votes for me come April 9th. Thank you greatly.