PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE T Jessica Callow 2019-20 PBCBA President I dedicate my final President’s Message to all of our Palm Beach County Bar Association (“PBCBA”) members. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have met so many fellow members this year at Bar events or in their capacities as Committee Chairs and Committee members. Our members are attorneys, judges, mediators, arbitrators, and paralegals. Their varied backgrounds and experiences make the PBCBA an organization that reflects our legal community and enables our members to learn from one another. While we didn’t get to complete every networking event, CLE, or committee meeting we planned this year due to the pandemic, I’m awed by everything we managed to accomplish and know our Bar will continue to innovate in the years to come. Thank you for trusting me to lead the PBCBA this year and allowing me to represent you to the best of my abilities. I’m eternally grateful to each one of you and for this amazing experience. I’d like to personally thank our Committee Chairs for all of their hard work this year: Rosine Plank-Brumback, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee; Tracy Segal and Hon. Melanie Dale Surber Appellate Practice; Nadine White-Boyd, Bankruptcy Law CLE; Salesia Smith- Gordon and Michael Pike, Bench Bar Conference; Nina Welch and Daria Pustilnik, Business Litigation CLE; Amy Levenberg Terwilleger and Will Lewis, Circuit Civil Practice; Brennan Grogan and John Sheppard Jr., Co CLE; Jean Marie Mi Mutamba, Committe Inclusion; Bill Cea, Committee; Ron Law CLE; Tequisha Samuels, Elder Law Steven Schwarzberg CLE; Peter Forman a Estate/Probate Law Family Law CLE; Guardianship Educ Bridget Berry and Ro Relations Committe Law Related Edu Kelsey Burke, Law Bradley Avakian, Law Herman, Local & Gov Johnston Segal, Mem Linda Wells, Paraleg Hunt, PI/Wrongful D Evert, Probate/Guard and Cindy Crawfor Committee; Jared Q CLE; Evan Frederic CLE; Lloyd Comiter, Clinics Committee; and Kenneth Johnso Practitioner’s Comm Technology Commit Transaction Law Toufanian and Rob Family Practice; a Worker’s Compensati I’d also like to than this year’s Board Huber, Immediate Dean Xenick, Pre Wyda, President- Lee McElroy; Gras Smith; Lindsay Dem Middleton; Andrea Scott Perry; and Wa all put in many h for the PBCBA and they love the Bar an work hard, but have one of them is now Bar is in excellent and Julia’s leadersh The PBCBA could percent of our ev guidance and suppo Director, Carla Tha rest of the Bar st Kathy Clark; Nico Loiseau; Eva Gray; Emily Vasquez. Th PBCBA BAR BULL