Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 50

May 21 , 2016 | Class of 2016 Commencement
Graduation was our time to celebrate the amazing 252 members of the Class of 2016 and their many achievements . Our graduates collectively earned more than $ 32 million in one-time and renewable scholarships . More than 90 % of our new graduates are attending four-year universities ; of those , 55 % are attending public institutions and 44 % will be attending private colleges . The Class of 2016 Valedictorian was Emily Bloom , the Salutatorian was Jessica Leatherby , and the Graduates ’ Prayer was given by Bridget Eileen Foy .
An Excerpt from Emily Bloom ’ s Valedictory Address
“ Because of these last four years at St . Francis we can stay balanced . Our SF traditions can be our anchor in an ever-changing world . And we have 75 years of them to guide us ! This is not to say that we won ’ t make new traditions , and learn new values and lessons . We will .
That ’ s life . That ’ s beautiful . BUT the values that we learned here , those are life long , those are central to who we are . So we must make the decision to carry them with us throughout our lives .
So my friends . Here we are . Four years later ... We have this foundation , this experience , this GIFT of St . Francis High School that prepared us to take on the world as the best forms of ourselves . So when life gets shaky , come back to our St . Francis values . Think back to the love that we learned on Kairos . Share the compassion we gained through service to affect change in your communities . Depend on your faith and your friendships . Follow your passion wherever it takes you .
We are confident , beautiful and intelligent women who do all things with humility , service and love . As long as we hang on to this as our anchor , we won ’ t ever fall .”