Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 49

May 19, 2016 | Arts Recognition Ceremony St. Francis held its first Arts Recognition Ceremony, honoring 24 seniors who committed to the arts in college by majoring in an art form. Congratulations to Maggie Anderson, Kiki Burns, Bella Coppola, Jordan Davis, Gabrielle Dyer, Madison Foote, Isabela Garcia, Arcadia German, Delaney Gibbons, Meghan Greene, Lauren Gresens, Kathryn Gubler, Francesca Heidig, Charlotte Kershaw, Kaelani Lujan, Lauren Metzinger, Emily Miller, Emily Mulholland, Joan Pasion, Elizabeth Perlas, Meghan Puich, Sienna Stevens, Natalie Sulzinger, and Emma Vance. May 24, 2016 | Baccalaureate Mass The Class of 2016 and their families gathered for their final family Mass as students of St. Francis Catholic High School. The seniors processed into the worship space carrying symbols of their four year experience, placing them in front of the altar in the spirit of thanksgiving. The standing room only gym was transformed, creating a sacred space in which to give thanks to God for the class and the many gifts they brought to our community. May 23, 2016 Senior Sequester & Family Reception The Class of 2016 gathered at Senior Sequester for a special ceremony to honor the transition from Troubie student to Troubadour Alumna. Following the sequester, seniors joined their families for a reception in Serra Court to celebrate graduation week.