Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 16

annual report

Class of 1971
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 175.00 Total Gifts : $ 225.00 Participation : 6 % The Stewardship Circle Ann Marie Perry Faires Jill Matranga Sally Sapunor
Class of 1972
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 12,468.00 Total Gifts : $ 12,468.00 Participation : 10 % The Pax et Bonum Circle Pamela DiTomasso The St . Clare Circle Martha Diepenbrock Jeanne Sapunor Georgiann Culverwell Raimondi The Stewardship Circle Rosemarie Conti Bertini Sharman Cippa-Anataki Freeda Lapos Babson
Class of 1973
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 790.00 Total Gifts : $ 790.00 Participation : 6 % The St . Clare Circle Denise Arend Christina Rodriguez Finlayson Laura Smith Trimberger The Stewardship Circle Linda Garcia-Inchausti
Recognition Levels
The Circle of St . Francis $ 10,000 and above
The Pax et Bonum Circle $ 5,000 - $ 9,999
The Assisi Circle $ 2,500 - $ 4,999
The Troubadour Circle $ 1,500 - $ 2,499
The Canticle Circle $ 500 - $ 1,499
The St . Clare Circle $ 150 - $ 499
Class of 1974
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 2,648.00 Total Gifts : $ 2,713.00 Participation : 9 % The Assisi Circle Helen Manfredi Pierson The Stewardship Circle Kathleen Leonard Glasser Nancy Schoellkopf Carole Stefani Chivaro Catherine Ranieri-Zerio
Class of 1975
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 288.00 Total Gifts : $ 288.00 Participation : 8 % The Stewardship Circle Susan Theobald Humm Susan Gallardo Roselle Roland Nerney Nancy Nulk Horowitz Susan Steenburgen Davis Brenda Bedore Brozek
Class of 1976
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 799.00 Total Gifts : $ 799.00 Participation : 5 % The Canticle Circle Kathy Kirrene Gonzales The St . Clare Circle Janet Zipperian Chediak The Stewardship Circle Kimberly Lotz Neri Kathy Shanahan Michaud
Class of 1977
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 1,148.00 Total Gifts : $ 1,148.00 Participation : 6 % The Canticle Circle Nancy Lynch Doyle The Stewardship Circle Maura Twomey Carol Berberich Fairbairn Lori DeFazio Rispoli
Class of 1978
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 1,124.00 Total Gifts : $ 1,124.00 Participation : 6 % The Canticle Circle Elise Bauer The Stewardship Circle Mary Baumgartner Nugent Laura Santos Reidenbach Elizabeth Bernardo Wolffe
Class of 1979
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 5,415.00 Total Gifts : $ 5,415.00 Participation : 12 % The Assisi Circle Catherine Stegner Nacey The Canticle Circle Nancy Silvis Huston Lori Crow Bushberg The Stewardship Circle Desli Milicevich Beckman Maria Bodrozic McGee Tammy Stahley Ainsley Laila Holland Barker Mary Lammerding Bracamonte Anne Daley Peter Ingrid Renard Wynden
Class of 1980
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 4,669.70 Total Gifts : $ 4,699.70 Participation : 11 % The Canticle Circle Katy Calkin Ferguson Anne Geremia Sadler Beth Theobald Anderson The St . Clare Circle Joann Clemons Chassman The Stewardship Circle Mary McShan Sheila Mullins Cara Sheean Carol Nulk Philpott Marika Cronin Rose Colette Kirtley Moody
Class of 1981
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 13,744.50 Total Gifts : $ 13,744.50 Participation : 16 % The Pax et Bonum Circle Margo Reid Brown The Canticle Circle Annamarie Vogeli McSweeney The St . Clare Circle Kelly Bedford Phillips Deborah Woodward Meeks Juliette Sanchez Elizabeth Dyer Theresa Arnold The Stewardship Circle Wynette White Bouchard Karin Nilsson Colleen Waggoner Molly Geremia Wiese Molly O ’ Connor Emslie Janet Lawson Kaeser Leslie Moretti Jaime Tomilene Aroz-Kiddoo Kristen Fraser Geissler Michelle Polli Linda Dodd Ruybal Gale Sheean-Remotto
Class of 1982
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 30,459.00 Total Gifts : $ 32,784.50 Participation : 16 % The Circle of St . Francis Maria Reid Vail The Troubadour Circle Diane Geremia McLaughlin Tracy Best Demetre Jacklen Owens Thompson The St . Clare Circle Teresa Kennedy Wendy Lenoir O ’ Connor The Stewardship Circle Janae Root Davis Kathy Koon Barboza Sandra Kiernan Sanders Teresita Herrera-Lopez Phyllis Baldry Harrelson Brigid Mullins Pitman Stephanie Price Tina Seri Seatris
Class of 1983
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 1,486.00 Total Gifts : $ 1,486.00 Participation : 10 % The Canticle Circle Gigi Montemayor The St . Clare Circle Rosanne Broussard Cherry The Stewardship Circle Christine Jacobs Totah Catherine Kennedy Sullivan Nora Wehrenberg Anderson Elizabeth Mercuris Arellanes Susan Lint Gardner Mariann Isola Teresa Stinson Salvini
Class of 1984
Annual Fund Gifts : $ 12,808.00 Total Gifts : $ 12,808.00 Participation : 11 % The Assisi Circle Erin Johansen Cook The Canticle Circle Monique Price Marchi The St . Clare Circle Meg Willett Haesloop Jill Tobia The Stewardship Circle Debra Kiernan Daly Judith Bagley Kane Elizabeth Maly Lindgren Erina Lucchesini Lucchesini-Soria Lisa Maria Maddocks Catherine Nagy Sheri Maria Steinman
The Stewardship Circle Gifts up to $ 149