Pax et Bonum Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 15

Alumnae Giving Class of 1959 in creating an environment of faith, excellence, leadership, and service. Class of 1960 Annual Fund Gifts: $49.00 A gift from a graduate speaks to the future of St. Francis Catholic High Total Gifts: $49.00 Participation: 5% School. It portrays the preparation she received and her desire to make The Stewardship Circle sure our current Troubadours have the same experience. We are grateful Mary Golinveaux for the commitment the alumnae listed on the following pages have for St. Francis and invite all graduates to consider a future investment to assist Patricia Burke Johnson Class of 1947 Annual Fund Gifts: $44.00 Total Gifts: $44.00 Participation: 17% The Stewardship Circle Margarette Bauer Schwartz Rose Domich Tanghetti Class of 1948 Annual Fund Gifts: $3,221.03 Total Gifts: $3,221.03 Participation: 12% The Assisi Circle Marion Kaeser Slakey Class of 1949 Annual Fund Gifts: $48.00 Total Gifts: $48.00 Participation: 11% The Stewardship Circle Dorothy Enzler Abrams Ann Eberhard Johnson Class of 1950 Annual Fund Gifts: $200.00 Total Gifts: $200.00 Participation: 11% The Stewardship Circle Barbara Leal Tomberg Merlynn Kopp Tucker Class of 1951 Annual Fund Gifts: $600.00 Total Gifts: $600.00 Participation: 9% The Canticle Circle Joanne Gliebe Winchell The Stewardship Circle Marge Wilkins Mugartegui Class of 1952 Annual Fund Gifts: $50.00 Total Gifts: $50.00 Participation: 4% The Stewardship Circle Patricia Giorgi Bertacchi Class of 1953 Annual Fund Gifts: $548.00 Total Gifts: $548.00 Participation: 7% The Canticle Circle Maryanne Butler Lynch The Stewardship Circle Cathy Schuler Bertolani Jacqueline Zanze Gustin Class of 1954 Annual Fund Gifts: $50,030.00 Total Gifts: $150,030.00 Participation: 3% The Circle of St. Francis Sandra Geary Cook++ The Stewardship Circle Darlene Singley Mosloskie Class of 1955 Annual Fund Gifts: $2,974.00 Total Gifts: $2,974.00 Participation: 14% The Assisi Circle Carol Oettle Colby The St. Clare Circle Clare Ann Squires Hayes The Stewardship Circle Carllyn Porter Badovinac Jean Roach Marilyn Scheid Marlene Monnich Rose Mary Van Dillon Keowen Class of 1956 Annual Fund Gifts: $350.00 Total Gifts: $350.00 Participation: 3% The St. Clare Circle Martha Reckers Imwalle The Stewardship Circle Marion McAlpine Bennett Class of 1957 Annual Fund Gifts: $100.00 Total Gifts: $100.00 Participation: 3% The Stewardship Circle Barbara Peletta Davidson Lorraine Ward Nuckels Class of 1958 Annual Fund Gifts: $334.00 Total Gifts: $2,334.00 Participation: 8% The Troubadour Circle Susan Butler Siler The Stewardship Circle Cynthia Speed Diane Alberti King Sandra Perri Melavic Sarah Lagomarsino Class of 1966 Annual Fund Gifts: $200.00 Total Gifts: $300.00 Participation: 4% The St. Clare Circle Alda Manfredi LePera The Stewardship Circle Marisa Manfredi Luchini Mary Higgins Berta Annual Fund Gifts: $1,862.00 Total Gifts: $1,762.00 Participation: 7% The Canticle Circle Lynette Otten Spaich Donna Carrigg-Snuffer The St. Clare Circle Margaret Mette The Stewardship Circle Joan Fritzsche Hawkins Pamela Halm Grady Vicki Porter Sazaki Paula Sarpy Henderson Janet McFadden Bollinger Joanne Franzoia Campasano Anna Mazzucchi Skewes Class of 1961 Class of 1967 Annual Fund Gifts: $100.00 Total Gifts: $100. 00 Participation: 10% The Stewardship Circle Carol Di Napoli Warmerdam Class of 1962 Annual Fund Gifts: $50.00 Total Gifts: $50.00 Participation: 4% The Stewardship Circle Frances Corsiglia Koscheski Class of 1963 Annual Fund Gifts: $550.00 Total Gifts: $550.00 Participation: 13% The Canticle Circle Susan Mosher Gore The Stewardship Circle Teresita Martin Romo Class of 1964 Annual Fund Gifts: $98.00 Total Gifts: $98.00 Participation: 10% The Stewardship Circle Joan James Kuzmich Marryan Zupan Elorduy Class of 1965 Annual Fund Gifts: $750.00 Total Gifts: $750.00 Participation: 4% The Canticle Circle Pamela Myczek The Stewardship Circle Martha Gonzalez Gonzales Catherine McKenzie Gerri Sanfilippo Wigglesworth Annual Fund Gifts: $1,343.00 Total Gifts: $1,343.00 Participation: 4% The Canticle Circle Mary Geary Ellingson The Stewardship Circle Nan Foley Woolford Sharon McGuire Genens Bev Moore Powell Janet Taormina Ruggiero Class of 1968 Annual Fund Gifts: $1,778.00 Total Gifts: $1,878.00 Participation: 9% The Canticle Circle Peggy Moore Willumson Mary Leonard Conklin The Stewardship Circle Mercedes Martin Azar Margaret Meade Jackson Phyllis Edwards Weston Cynthia Skarles Collins Class of 1969 Annual Fund Gifts: $864.00 Total Gifts: $864.00 Participation: 6% The Canticle Circle Kathryn Beltrami The Stewardship Circle DeAnn Bennett Kamilos Jeanne Thorpe Corcoran Christine Rugaard Robbins Class of 1970 Annual Fund Gifts: $175.00 Total Gifts: $332.56 Participation: 7% The St. Clare Circle Barbara Black Burman The Stewardship Circle Christine Perri Elizabeth Leonard Schatz Nancy Ozanich Riggs Judith Walker Lynn Jacobs Massetti Deceased ++   Winter 2016  15