Pawsitively Pets - APRIL 2023 - to publish online | Page 7

Our Tribe , Our Pride , and the Intruder

This morning , I have cranky cats . Cranky like three toddlers in the back seat of the car , with secret punches , pinching , and just touching . Complete with the undertone of fussing and occasional screech of “ Mom ! He ’ s TOUCHING me !!” It ’ s a late winter morning , and gray . No one wants to go outside , but eventually Mrs . Brown does , to escape mean Hector as he swats her butt with lightning paws , getting three swipes in before she gets out the door . Then Jasper goes to the door but doesn ’ t go out . We repeat this through my entire first cup of coffee , until finally there is a movement outside and he just can ’ t resist going out . He is pounding at the patio door , leaving large , muddy streaks 45 seconds later . Hector , who generally patrols the entire grounds first thing in the morning , refuses to get near the door . He ' s been like this for days . He is waiting for his brother and sister to get back in , to resume fussing and picking on them .
They act like they hate each other , right now . Is this permanent ? Hardly . Three days ago , I got a chance to see the familial , the pride connection in action . For we have a new cat in town . He is a large guy , with a tiger-patterned coat and white bib . Handsome devil , and curious about this house and our property . Hector knows the boundaries . It wouldn ’ t surprise me if he moonlighted as a surveyor , from his knowledge of “ where the pins are ” on my triple lot in town . I came out to make coffee in the kitchen , and there the new cat was , staring in the patio door . And on the other side ? Three cats , bristling and catcalling , together . It ’ s a different sound from the “ picking on my sibling ” cat call . It ’ s three times louder , and so much more menacing . They are a united front , and they mean business .
The intruder moved away from the door , ambling along the side yard , headed towards the run . Hector insisted on going out . In fact , once the door was opened , all three went out . Mrs . Brown , to pace her porch and protect the door , Jasper to observe , growling and screaming , and Hector to attack the intruder . Our fluffy , friendly boy was another animal , as he puffed himself up to twice his normal size and sat on the far side of the run . He ’ s facing a good-sized enemy , but eventually this new cat slooooowly moved on , first backing up facing the great orange cloud that Hector has become , and then turning and first walking , then running off , well beyond our property . Jasper and Mrs . Brown watched intently , sitting side by side .
Hector eventually returned to the porch , where his brother and sister sat . Together as a united front . Does it last ? Of course not . Within two hours , there are a whole lot of bad cat words drifting up from under the porch . It ’ s Hector and Mrs . Brown , and their language is unspeakable . I can ’ t wait for warmer weather . They can ’ t either . Hurry , Spring !
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , writer , and owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .


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Pawsitively Pets -- April 5