P a g e
2 6
Nadica’s Recipies
P A U 3 A !
Baba in the Village
Proja (corn bread)
3 eggs
1 cup oil
3 cups yoghurt or mineral water
3 cups of milk
1 packet baking powder
300 g cheese
3 cups corn flour
4 cups regular flour
What lesson
h a ve
you learned
coming to
Mix all ingredients together and
bake it in the oven on 180 degrees until knife comes out clean.
Sutlijash (rice pudding)
1/2 L milk
1/2 L water
1 1/2 cup (Turkish coffee size)
white rice
1 cup sugar
2 spoons oil
1 packet vanilla sugar
Put all ingredients in a pot and boil
it until the rice gets cooked and the
milk gets thicker (about 30-40
minutes boiling). Stir while boiling.
* How much I really appreciate my
family. – Laura B.
* The importance of patience and unimportance of always being understood. - Marita
* Not to take certain American food
products for granted (decent BREAD)!
- Luke
* True passion stemming from love is
the only sincere motivation for
change. – Sara
* When it comes to romance, certain
people can be quite trusting of
strangers. - Katrina
* Unwanted kissing DOES exist. Rachel
* Bring a good pair of long underwear!
- Stuart