cultural experiences
spent the rest of the night chatting and listening to the
Diva Christmas playlist.
As Orthodox Christmas approached, I faced the
dilemma of deciding which family to visit. This is not the
By Christopher Quintos - MAK 18
first time I have had to make such a difficult decision.
n America, the Holiday season is my favorite time I did not want to disappoint my PST family or my host
of year. My family has its own set of traditions that I family.
missed this year. After Thanksgiving, my brother and
But traveling between Lozovo and Prilep is not easy
I would drive hop in the to the suburbs of Chicago to
as. Thus, I would have to disappoint one family by
take advantage of all the deals for Black Friday. Yet,
spending the holiday with the other. I arrived at my
before coming to Macedonia, I was excited to learn
answer when I contracted a cold that developed into
that it would be possible to celebrate Christmas twice.
bronchitis. I spent my first Orthodox Christmas in
Despite missing out on my own family’s traditions,
I looked forward to experiencing how Macedonians
celebrate this Christian holiday.
Orthodox Christmas in Prilep consisted of a three day
celebration. Коледе was definitely
This year, my site mate Nick
the most interesting celebration
Husted and I dragged out the
for me. This holiday represents the
holiday celebrations. Our first
epiphany of the birth of Christ. The
place to celebrate Christmas
significance of the Christmas star
was Ohrid with fellow PVC’s
was replicated by groups of men
from our training group. . Dan
burning large bonfires scattered
and Sarah were happy to host
throughout the city. Despite
us in Ohrid, and for many of
the holiday’s intended religious
us it was our first time seeing
significance, the night seemed like
each other since swearing in as
an excuse for men to hang-out with
volunteers. We spent most of
their friends, drink ракија, and ignite
the evening playing cards and
fireworks. Бадник and Божик were
listening to Christmas music.
much tamer in comparison. For
Our celebrations culminated
Бадник I enjoyed a beautiful meal
with our White Elephant gift
of beans and sarma with my host
exchange. The most useful gift
mother. It surprised me to discover
was Dan’s brightly colored bike
that most Macedonians did not
helmet. The gift that I fought with
necessarily celebrate Божик, but
Tara over was the Macedonian
instead celebrated the именден of
vuvuzela. I lost the battle. Tara
the those lads named Христијан,
took the vuvuzela home to
Ристе, or Кико.
While American Christmas centers around a large
On Christmas Day, December 25th, my other site
family meal and the exchange of presents, Orthodox
mate Terri Jones hosted a Christmas breakfast. Yet,
Christmas has a different focus since they highlight
less than a week before Christmas, Terri experienced
traditional Macedonian culture. My expectations of
the Christmas anti-miracle when her oven ceased to
celebrating two Christmas holidays did not meet my
function. This debacle did not stop her from whipping
expectations. However, I have come to appreciate
up delicious sweets, including the most decadent
Macedonian traditions and holidays. I may adapt a few
peanut brittle I have ever tasted. Lakesh joined us in
of them myself when I return home, but it all depends if
our festivities. We all stuffed our bellies with bacon,
my family will allow me to ignite a large bonfire outside
home-made cinnamon buns, scrambled eggs, hashed
for Christmas.
browns, fruit salad, and spinach-stuffed crepes. We
Winter 2014 – 9