Pauza Magazine Winter 2014 | Page 6

Message from the Editor “ This is perfect, don’t screw this up” famous words from Bill Walsh to his successor George Seifert. Or was that Steve Jobs to Tim Cook. Maybe Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. No one gave me those words of wisdom but it was something I told myself. I am honored to be this year’s Managing Editor of Pauza Magazine. I have the responsibility of providing a platform for you to share your stories and pictures about your experience in Macedonia. Every day is filled with a story to tell whether it is stumbling over your Albanian/Macedonian language or watching Taco Bell ads on the internet during Ramadan, our daily lives are full of stories and we want you to share them with us. I am please to be working with a wonderful staff, Kelly Friedman, Lakesh Abreu and Nancy Glines and together we are committed to keeping Pauza one of the best publications throughout Peace Corps. Pozdrav, Nick Motwani editorial policy This publication, which bears the name of Peace Corps Macedonia and the Peace Corps logo, must adhere to certain editorial guidelines. These guidelines require that all content in this magazine be in good taste, politically neutral and culturally sensitive. Content should not include profanity, advocate a specific religious belief, be insulting or slanderous, compromise the safety and security of any Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV), nor give the impression that the author is writing on behalf of Peace Corps or the United States government. To ensure that these guidelines are met, a committee made up of PCVs, Peace Corps Staff and Host Country Nationals (HCNs) will review articles for content. submissions All PCVs and Peace Corps staff are welcom to submit articles to be published in Pauza. If you are interested in writing an article, please contact a member of the editorial staff. Submission deadlines will be announced. All submissions may be sent to [email protected]. Articles may be edited for length and content.