Pauza Magazine Winter 2011 | Page 9

Youthink: A Dream Come True Vjosa Ramadani, LCF Cherkeze It was ten years ago when I applied to attend camp GLOW. It was first camp of its kind in Macedonia and I really didn’t know what to expect. I remember that I was very interested and I hoped it would be a movie-like camp. It was even better, because I was part of it for real: a lot of fun, new ways of learning, new horizons… the best four days of a junior high schooler. Then the camp was over, and so were the activities… silence all around… Years later, things didn’t change much, even though I was still waiting for a miracle. I was still hoping that my city would become the city of opportunities for me and other youngsters. I was realizing that waiting and hoping was not the right thing to do, that action should be taken instead, but I was not sure what steps should I Z?K??B?]\?[?^\??Y[?^H?X[H]?H^HH??[?HX?H?\?X?\?H[?]????X????[X?]?]H[?[??[?H[?[[H]?[?[???[??[??^HZ\??[?X[ ?]H?\?[?^\??Z][????8?'H?Y?[?Y[? ??'H][?Y[???[?]?\???YHY?]?\??&]??^HX\???Y[??^?\????H???8?'H?[[[?\??X[H??YH?Yx?'K?[??Y^HY?x?&\?\?X?[??H?\?H?B???]Y?YKY?\?YYK[???\?Y?YYK[??\?YYH[?]?\?H?\?H?^K???\???^H??Y[????]?HYH?[YH?X[H[?H?[YHYX[???[?YYK?HX[H?[?\?X\?X?[?\??[?]H[?[??[?H?\??X]Y[?H?X[H?\?Y??X??YHH?X[]K?[?][???\??????B?H??\H?[??]\?H?H?[XYHYH\Y\?[?]?\??]?\??\?H??K?H??H???[?]?????? ? L ?H??[???[Y]?H^HX\???H?\?\??[??YHY?[?][????[Z?B???H????&\?????[?????H?Y?H?\??X[Z[???B??Z[??\?????Y?Z[????\?H???[?]?\??X?H??[??H[???\??[?Y[[??\?B??[\\?HX\??Y????HHXY\??[?YX\??]\?H[H\??????&\?XY\??\ ?]??[??&]?B?[?H?]\?[?\???????H[?[??\?Y[X?\??[?][??[[??X??]BB??????[????[\??? ? L[?X]?B??