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Rostushe Travel Guide
By: Jeremy McKinney
Note: Guide is written like
there are no volunteers in Rostushe, so that the guide will always remain useful long after
volunteers have left. Also the
information section may be boring unless you actually plan on
coming to Rostushe, so don’t
blame me if you get bored reading it.
#1 must see when visiting Rostushe, “Duff” Canyon and waterfall. Only a half mile walk
from Rostushe is the waterfall
known locally as “Duff”. This
is a beautiful 70ft high waterfall located at the end of Duff
Canyon. A spectacular walk
through this narrow canyon
with rock walls reaching 100’s
of feet above you, takes you to
the waterfall in 30-40minutes.
One last hike that is worth while is to a glacial lake
called Lokuv. This is about a two to three hour hike
from Trebishte on a well marked path. While I would
say that the lake was not quite what I was expecting, I
did find it interesting and if you allow yourself enough
time there is a path that continues further up into the
mountains to the Albanian border.
#2 in the mountains above Rostushe are several
churches which can only be reached by hiking. While
the churches themselves are not that spectacular and
unless you go with a monk are going to be locked, the
hike and the view more than make up for it. The closest church is about a 45 minute walk from Bitushe the
others are a bit further. One just above the treeline is a
3-4 hour hike and provides one of the most amazing
views. If you continue up from here there is a church
on the top of the mountain that is half in Macedonia
and half in Albania.
Where to stay while in Rostushe? Camping is always
an option, there is a mountain house that is about a 45
minute hike from Rostushe and Saint Jovan Bigorski
Monastery is also very close. The mountain house
would be very similar to camping as it has no bathroom
and while it has blankets and pillows I would recommend bringing a sleeping bag, most of the time staying
here can be arranged free of charge. Camping is free
and as long as you are out of everyone’s way is not a
problem. Staying at the monastery is very che ??&V?WfR&?V?B3FV?'2??v?B?B6?V?B&RfW'????FW&W7F??rW?W&?V?6R??b??R&R??FW&W7FVB??F?P???V?F????W6R6??F7B&???s?S??csB?B?P?v???&R&?RF??V?f??B?B?B7V?2?GF?RV?v?6???