Pauza Magazine Winter 2007 | Page 12

Page 12 A WALKING TOUR OF SKOPJE or, Who is Komandant Koki? By: Jim Carl As many of you know, I do not own a car in Macedonia. Some may consider me a traitor to my gender but I believe that cars were invented by an evil wizard or possibly Satan himself specifically to vex me, bleed me of cash and generally make my life miserable. If humans were intended to have cars, we would all have been born with a parking space. Consequently, I enjoy not needing a car in Skopje. Not only do I get to talk to a lot of interesting cab drivers but in decent weather I get to demonstrate my considerable and rather impressive skills as a pedestrian. And so as not to keep the more fascinating aspects of walking in Skopje as my own little secret, you are invited to enter into my mind and join me as I walk through our fair city from the Partizanski Bridge over the Vardar (near Vlae) to the Stone Bridge downtown. Please be warned that entering my mind does come with certain hazards mostly related to excessive clutter. Should you encounter some (and it would be nearly impossible not to) feel free to dispose of it or just kick it aside if it’s in your way. Most of it is very old and useless, and given my advancing years it is highly likely that I have totally forgotten that it’s there. started walking around Skopje. At first, trying to cross the street was terrifying, then it became merely challenging. Now it’s sport. Hey Buddy, no fair driving down the sidewalk, that’s cheating. I never saw that bicycle shop before – let’s look in the window. Le, le, le, le! That bike costs 82,070 denar! Who in Macedonia rides a bike worth 82,070 denar? My car in California isn’t worth that much. Most of the bikes I see in Skopje look like WWII survivors and if I walk briskly, I can usually pass them, especially if there is a moderate head wind. But 82,070….oh, look they also have bike helmets; I wonder if they’ve ever sold one? Uh, oh, try not to look. It’s Dr. Claus. MMMMM, Dr. Claus, breeead! Dr. Claus, paaaastry, mmmmm, Dr. Claus, ice creeeeeam. Get thee behind me Homer Simpson! If I walk close enough to catch a whiff of anything baking that is made predominantly of white flour, sugar, butter and lots of gooey things I’m doomed. Doomed I say. Maybe if I force myself to look the other way….oh, it’s the Fun House, I wonder what they do in there? Let’s have a peek. Ahh, just children’s birthday parties. Not the kind of fun I was hoping for. With three grown children I’ve seen my share of children’s birthday parties and “fun” is not the word that comes to mind. Especially that one with the piñata where the kid swung wildly and….oh, never mind, best to not think about that. Ajde! Ah, the mighty Vardar, complete with fishermen but apparently no fish. They never seem to catch anything and they don’t seem to mind. Someday, maybe someone will discover bait for catching plastic bottles, then they could all catch their limit and perform a civic duty at the same time. And there it is, the Damit furniture store. I had some of their furniture (used) when I was in college. With springs and other stuff poking out, everyone who sat down said, “damiit” . Time to cross the street, Ha ha, you missed me!! Oops, didn’t see you. I can remember when I first Bear with me, here comes the boring part. Apartment building, apartment building, house, apartment building, Komandant Koki…who is Komandant Koki? House, apteka, house, and another apartment buildi ?r??VB????F?B???????W6R?'F?V?B?'F?V?B?B????F?B????v???vV????F??( ?B???rv??F??2wW??2'WB?P?6VV?2F??v???bF?R'F?V?B'V??F??w2??F??27G&VWB??W7B&R&?6?wW??W&^( ?26??R????6???6???????p?w&f?GF??( ?6V????B?2?6V&R?P??Fv?f&?&VB&?r?( ??V???BF?@?v?W2F?V&?Rf?"V??Rv??7&???@???F?R6?FW2?b'V??F??w2( 2W7V6??????RF?B?v?B&R?v?VB'?????F?@???????