Pauza Magazine Summer 2013 | Page 23

arts & cultural experiences

Spike ’ s ‘ passport picture ’ I took to put in his travel passport


By Candice Wiggum , RPCV MAK 14
Natasha , the Peace Corps staff person responsible for booking our PCV flights home , for the name of the travel agency she recommended and used them ( Dollar Travel , I think ) to book the one-way flight . The travel agency got me an inexpensive one-way trip to New York City on Turkish Airlines , which was also the shortest flight by far – 14 hours . I did most of my COS stuff before I COS ’ ed to minimize travel layover with a pet in Skopje . You can get your physical done at any time in the last three months of service , and what generally makes COS last for three days is the TB test . If you can go to Skopje earlier , get tested for TB , and then return in three days to get the test read , then you can COS within one day . To return all the items that Peace Corps had checked out to me , I hauled a few items with me every trip I made to Skopje throughout the last few months of service . When it was time to COS I had little left to do .
You will also have to find your own place to stay in Skopje during COS , because Peace Corps ’ Mramor Hotel does not allow pets . I stayed with a gracious friend who allowed me to have Spike in her apartment . My friendly taxi driver Goran picked me up in
Photos by Candice Wiggum
Gostivar , dropped me off at my friend ’ s place , and picked me up when it was time to go to the airport . He helped me haul everything into the airport and negotiate the extra cost for Spike . I had an overweight bag and with Spike and his crate , I had to pay about an additional $ 300 . I recommend checking your dog or cat . The airplane has a special compartment under the pilot for dogs and cats , and if s / he is checked , you can relax and enjoy the flight . When I arrived in New York , I had to ask a baggage person for Spike – he didn ’ t just come down the ramp .
Be prepared for incredulous reactions from your Macedonian and Albanian friends . Most of them would give their right arm for a visa , and it doesn ’ t seem right that your dog can become an American citizen when they can ’ t . Spike has adjusted just fine to America , but it ’ s taken awhile . The first night he barked at everything , including the ice machine in the fridge . The world over here is very different for him – just about everyone likes him and there are dog parks that overwhelm him . And dog toys – yippee ! Have fun with your pet and good luck !
Summer 2013 – 23