Pauza Magazine Summer 2006 | Page 7

The World (In) Famous IST CUP By: Katrina Meredith, Mak 10 PC International PCV USA V. Borizoski J. Del Pino Z. Chachorovski A. Foy B. Close S. Lee S. Delaney J. McKinney I. Murseli J. Tomchak G. Spasov K. Thompson D. Urquart The first annual IST CUP football match between PCV USA and PC International was held in Struga on June 14 in the only open time slot between the competing FIFA World Cup™ football playoffs. Breaking with tradition, the team chose to forgo uniforms in order to confuse their opponents and the fans. A small but enthusiastic crowd cheered them on as night fell and the ball became harder to see. Initially, match organizer Keith Thompson hoped that the presence of several massive banks of lights on the field would provide adequate light for a night game, but alas, there were no bulbs in them, so darkness, as well as exhaustion, eventually ended the game. As with the US team in the FIFA World Cup™, PCV USA played their hearts out and actually executed a few brilliant moves. Goalkeeper Lee made some spectacular kicks from the Goal-area, managing to nail both an Audi and BMW in the hotel parking lot. Tomchak distinguished himself by attempting to tear his arm out of its socket while recovering a ball that had gone out of bounds. Fortunately, he was unsuccessful and went on to score for PCV USA. The PCV USA team was further distinguished by including the only female player, A. Foy. Foy, made several really cool passes and confused the International team by yelling “Chekaj, chekaj!” when she was attempting to position pass kicks. Both teams were enthusiastically cheered on by the “Stari” Cheerleaders (second only to the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders). In the spirit of the Peace Corps, stara Nancy Wilson led stari Katrina and Gail in repeated efforts to spur both the US and International teams on to play their best. Also, it was very difficult to tell which team was which and who was actually playing on the respective teams. Since referees could not be recruited, disagreements were determined by who could speak Macedonian better and yell louder. The final score is still a matter of debate. Despite being short one player, there is a strong consensus that PC International actually won the match. PCV USA Team Captain Thompson said that the score was 8 PCV USA, 9 PC International. He went on to say “… I say the match was fixed!!! Fixed, I tell you” Tomchak, of PCV USA stated, “With only 2 minutes to spare we realized that the score had changed without the scoring of any goals and so we bowed down to accept defeat, our exaggerated final score- 26 America 20 Macedonia, theirs doesn't matter.” Fellow player Del Pino thought the final score was 7 PCV USA, 8 PC International. PC International team Captain Spasov agreed with Thompson? &\??[?[?Y?\?\?[?X?\?Y8?'B?]\?YZ]]]?\???][X\?H?^B?Y?Z[??H[Y\?X?[?X[H?X????\?Y???\?H????[?[[?YX[K\^Y\?[?]?YX[??H?]\?????[X]??\?H?\?HX\?[?^\?Y[??H??YN??\?H?\?[H?H B??Y??H]?HH??[?]H????[???]???[?Y\????Y?\??[??X?]?]Y\?B??X[H[???YY^Z[??[?H?H[??]\?H?B??[]?H[?H??[?]Y\?????[?Y???X?]?]Y\?HH[??]?H???X?]\?H?\??X[H?\?[?\??][?[ ]?\???\?]????X?Y?H?[??[?Hx?'B?H?]\??X]?\?Y]??H??Y[Y ?]?XX?H????Y??\?Z\?X\??[???\??????H????T??\??[????[?H[[???X?[]Y\??][?Y?X?[?????[?Y[??Y?\?X?HY?Y HB???[YH \??YH ???Y?H ??