Well, time to head back. I
thanked my hosts profusely and expected to board the plane to Skopje at 8
o’clock. We waited and waited until
finally they announced the flight was
canceled. Ok, so they put me up in a
hotel, I got to see some of the football
game the people were rallying about in
the center, and caught a 7:45 flight to
Vienna and then back to Skopje with
Macedonia’s own MAT airlines.
The service on MAT wasn’t too
bad, but they make you buy everything
from drinks to sandwiches. At least
they give a whole bottle of Coke instead of a small glass with half of it being ice. However, later on they served
free coffee and tea.
I look forward to more travel
adventures. If you have a long wait
somewhere, just don’t sit there. Get out
and enjoy the places you hadn’t
planned to see, but would regret if you
didn’t. Oh, and on the way back to
Skopje, make sure you practice your
Macedonian a bit with some people on
the flight. I expected to forget everything, but after a conversation, it was
very nice to be able to w ??[?H[??XY?HY?Z[?????????][]X?X??????\?[?[?\?\?[??Y?[?\?K?x?&Y?Y?H?X??[Y[??X??[???]B???][]H?X??^HXZ?H?]?[B??X]^\?Y[??K?]8?&\?[???X?H??HB???[?H\???[H]?H??Y??[Z[Y\????H[??\?H[?[?X\????????[?][H??H[???]?[?H?^H?Y???????B?Z\??Y??&]??\???YH[]?\?K??B?Y????X???HZ\????]]??Y??[??Y??H[??Y?\?[?????H?[[Y\??]?\?[?[?K?Y??]???[YH