endless trail of bodies and lies were twisting about Strumica. I followed the blackness to the statue
of Goce Delchev. He carried a hostage atop of the statue – a 22-year-old woman dressed as a
cheerleader. I kept hearing Hiro Nakamura say, “Save the cheerleader, save the carnival. With cops
surrounding, guns drawn, there was little I could do. Having stones a plenty, and remembering my
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD classes) there was only one option: David vs. Goliath. I
fashioned a sling, took aim and prayed Promaja wouldn’ blow the stone off course.
Like a Nolan Ryan fastball, the stone flew straight and true, striking the Ghost- faced killer in
his ghost face. As he fell forward, the cheerleader grasped Goces arm. Using the parkour skills that
were embedded in me from living near Chicago and Gary, IN, I scaled the monument and brought
the traumatized woman down as she clung to my back. The Ghost-faced killer laid groaning in
agony from internal bleeding. It was time to find out who he was. Pulling the mask away, we saw
Dan Pickel’ handsome, dwarf,twin brother. He had followed Dan here and gone on a murdering
spree around the Balkans for 17 months, and finally decided that Macedonia needed to be next.
The killer dead on the pavement, the crowd tossing me about in triumph, I could only
wonder: if Dan had been a better brother could this have been avoided? If the rough exterior of Dan
is just a defense against anyone trying to get close; if that persistent anger masks the child-like cry
for help or comfort. We should all pat him on the back and show him that the scared little boy can
come out, with a hug or a simple, loving “its ok. And as I ride on my donkey into the sunset with
the girl wrapped around me, all I can do is ponder what would have happened if I (a hero, a brave
soul, a truly gifted individual much like Bruce Willis’ classic character John McClane) hadn’ been
there. All I can do is be there next year and hope that “Jigsaw Killer” from Saw doesn’ show up,
because I am no good at puzzles. Until next time, when you need a hero you know who to call:
April 1st in Bitola...photos by Katie Kalinowski