Read bits from this year ’ s winning essays : “ If I Could Travel Back in Time ...”
Category A : Grades 7 & 8
Jovanka Kuzmanovka ( Skopje )
pcv projects
Macedonia National
Contest 2013
Read bits from this year ’ s winning essays : “ If I Could Travel Back in Time ...”
Category A : Grades 7 & 8
Jovanka Kuzmanovka ( Skopje )
.......... As soon as the commotion about my grandfather ’ s disappearance settled I started working on the new time machine . It was done within weeks , and I immediately began planning my departure . It would take place at night to minimize the risks of anyone noticing my disappearance . I put on my 1880 ’ s gown and got into the machine . The feeling was incredible , like flying but at the same time my feet were firmly on the ground . At once I was on a dark valley and the machine was luckily intact . I turned my head and an amazing view overtook me . It was London 124 years ago . The buildings were more and more beautiful as I walked towards the tavern where my grandfather was waiting for me . I had covered the machine with a canvas and left it on the valley . I found my grandfather and we instantly got to work . First we brought back the new machine to the place where he was saying . The equipment needed to fix his machine was in mine , so it didn ’ t take much time . Once done my grandfather had decided to take 3 days of our time to show me the beauties of old London . The site was amazing !
2nd place : Petar Hristovski ( Bitola ) 3rd place : Andrej Blagoevski ( Kumanovo )
34 – Pauza Magazine
Have mea wou is b lov fu t is love , and a man without l place where people loved a just like a time machine to everything was different . On that hot summer day i dusty road , bare-footed , going in the same direct I saw a child and I aske He answered : " They are set their souls free ." I f of people , half a million was in Woodstock .
2nd pla 3rd place :