Pauza Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 32

“ Women Farmers in Rural Areas : Practices for proper application procedures and safe handling of pesticides ” Faron Sagebiel , MAK16 Green Window NGO
Grant Amount : $ 830.91 Community Contribution : $ 327.00
Communities Impacted : Vasilevo , Bosilovo and Novo Selo . All are small , rural municipalities that border Strumica .

pcv projects

$ PA Project

successes & Lessons Lea

“ Women Farmers in Rural Areas : Practices for proper application procedures and safe handling of pesticides ” Faron Sagebiel , MAK16 Green Window NGO

Grant Amount : $ 830.91 Community Contribution : $ 327.00

Communities Impacted : Vasilevo , Bosilovo and Novo Selo . All are small , rural municipalities that border Strumica .

Recognizing that the Macedonian agricultural community consists largely of undereducated women engaged in traditional family farming practices , the local women ’ s agricultural NGO “ Green Window ” proposed a series of women ’ s education workshops . The current state of agriculural education for women consists mostly of traditional farming practices passed down from gerneration to generation . These practices place an emphasis on the importance of pesticides , but there is an abject lack of training regarding proper pesticide handling , application , and the environmental and personal health implications .
The SPA project conducted three educational workshops held in three rural agricultural villages ( Vasilevo , Bosilovo and Novo Selo ) over the course of March 14-19 , 2013 . Follow-up surveys and interviews will be held at the end of May and early June . The workshop ’ s goal is to educate women farmers in rural areas in the practice of proper application , procedures and safe handling of pesticides . Local community experts supported and assisted in the education and training of the women . The hope is that proper education , with consistent follow-up , will bring about better harvests , a safer workplace , and a cleaner environment for everyone .


Photos : Green Window by Faron Sagebiel
32 – Pauza Magazine