minor king for 10 years and so
the tomb is basically two rooms,
one with his mortal remains,
in comparison with those of
Ramses with chambers built for
more than 100 of his children
and expansive corridors.
All of King Tut’s treasures
careful not to drink the tap water. are in the Egyptian Museum.
Bottled water is cheap, and you
You can visit the mummies for
should be prepared to have your an extra ticket at $20, but we
own water bottle rather than
didn’t bother. Seeing King Tut’s
drinking out of their shared
“wonderful things” (as coined
cups with a pitcher of tap water
by Carter who unearthed his
already on the table. Fine dining grave) made the museum one of
is also reasonable, but save your the most interesting places on
change for the places you really our trip. Don’t miss this place
want to see. The temples and
in Cairo with found treasures
museums will require the bulk
from many of the ancient times.
of your spending. Souvenirs are Guides are also available at
your discretion.
most tourist sites – like always
Everyone comes to Luxor
– if you wish to bargain for
for the temples and the Valley
their services. I’d stick with the
of the Kings. We visited these
ones arranged by your hostel
sites with a tour guide arranged
or agency so you know they’re
by the Happy Land Hotel.
Transportation was provided and
the tour guide was very devoted
ack to Luxor, after the
to the history and knowledge he
Valley of the Kings, we
shared. The Valley of the Kings
ventured to visit the Deir alwas chosen at that site because
Medina temple, erected in honor
the surrounding mountain is in
of the only female pharaoh in
the natural shape of a pyramid,
history. You will find unique
thus creating one pyramid for
hieroglyphics of maternity, and
all time and all kings of the
many people doing restoration
New Kingdom. To date, 63
(as in many temples) to preserve
tombs have been unearthed.
these monuments of history.
When you go to the Valley
Yes, they ask for tips if you are
of the Kings, your ticket will
dragged into seeing these people
allow you entrance to only three work. On the tour, we also saw
of them. The advantage of a
a pottery factory and saw the
guide is that he knows the best
process of making “authentic”
ones to go into and can explain
works of art, in comparison
them. Don’t bother with King
to the cheap reproduction you
Tut’s tomb; it’s an extra ticket
might find for sale on the street.
– almost as much as entrance
Again, it was a friend’s favor
to the Valley itself. He was a
that brought us there, no doubt,
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